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105 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1,2 paper: Understanding the solubility of water in carbon capture and storage mixtures: An FTIR spectroscopic study of H2O+CO2+N2 ternary mixtures

The solubility of water (H2O) in carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) mixtures (xN2 = 0.050 and 0.100, mole fraction) has been investigated at 25 and 40 degrees C in the pressure range between 8...

UKCCSRC Call 1/2 paper: Understanding the solubility of water in carbon capture and storage mixtures: An FTIR spectroscopic study of H2O+CO2+N2 ternary mixtures

The solubility of water (H2O) in carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) mixtures (xN2 = 0.050 and 0.100, mole fraction) has been investigated at 25 and 40 °C in the pressure range between 8 and 18...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project blog: Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, Update, 27.08.14

This is a blog (Update, 27.08.14) on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-22.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project presentation: Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-21.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, Cambridge Biannual, 02.04.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cambridge Biannual, 02.04.14. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-21.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-21.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project presentation: Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-22.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, Cambridge Biannual, 02.04.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cambridge Biannual, 02.04.14. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-22.

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Tractable Equation of State for CO2 Mixtures, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-22.

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Measurement of Water Solubility Limits of CO2 Mixtures to Underpin the Safe Pipeline Transportation of CO2, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Measurement of Water Solubility Limits of CO2 Mixtures to Underpin the Safe Pipeline Transportation of CO2 was presented at the CSLF Call project poster...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin safe pipeline transportation of CO2, Cranfield Biannual 21.04.15

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin the safe pipeline transportation of CO2, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual,...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin safe pipeline transportation of CO2, Cardiff Biannual 10.09.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin the safe pipeline transportation of CO2, was presented at the Cardiff Biannual,...

Chemical potentials of liquid iron mixtures at ICB conditions and of solid ferropericlase at CMB conditions (NERC grant NE/M000990/1)

This dataset contains VASP runs performed on several supercomputing services (ARCHER, Monsoon, Thomas and Grace in the UK; Eos in the USA) to calculate the chemical potentials of liquid iron...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin the safe pipeline transportation of CO2

This Proposal focuses on the determination of the dew point of water (H2O), or “water solubility”, in impure CO2 mixtures (e.g. containing nitrogen, N2, oxygen, O2, hydrogen, H2, or mixtures of N2...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Determination of water solubility limits in CO2 mixtures to deliver water specification levels for CO2 transportation

This project will determine the dew point of water, or "water solubility", in impure CO2 mixtures (e.g. containing N2 and H2). At present, key data for defining water levels have not been...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Determination of water solubility limits in CO2 mixtures to deliver water specification levels for CO2 transportation was presented at the CSLF Call...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant number:...

MFIX input and output files for the study of granular rheology using mixtures with varying size, density, particle friction, and flow geometry

MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges) simulation input files and raw particle output files. The study was published in Breard, E. C., Fullard, L., & Dufek, J. (2024). Rheology of...

Earth's core conductivities for pure iron and iron mixtures in the liquid outer core and solid inner core (NERC Grant NE/H02462X/1)

This dataset contains VASP runs performed on ARCHER to calculate the electrical and thermal conductivities of pure iron and iron alloys at Earth's core conditions using density functional theory...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project data: Performance of Flow Meters with Dense Phase CO2 and CCS Recovery Streams

Fiscal metering could face several challenges during CO2 transport by pipelines due to the unusual physical properties of CO2 and CO2 mixtures. Coriolis flowmeters are an options to measure CO2...