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        70 results found

        Migration of tagged silver eels in the Atlantic 2006 - 2014

        Known and estimated locations of silver European eels in the Atlantic from 2006 to 2014 derived from popup satellite tags and archival tags. Other data associated with the tagging experiments...

        Migration of tagged silver eels in the Atlantic 2006 - 2014

        Known and estimated locations of silver European eels in the Atlantic from 2006 to 2014 derived from popup satellite tags and archival tags. Other data associated with the tagging experiments...

        UK Frequency Allocation Plan

        The data is in JSON format and is used to populate Ofcom’s UKFAT. The UK FAT details the uses to which various frequency bands are put in the UK (referred to as 'allocations') and which bodies are...

        Allotments - Craven District Council

        Allotment gardens are available for a minimal yearly fee and are a great way to grow your own fruit and vegetables, make new friends and keep fit in the great outdoors.

        Obesogens in Scottish grey seals 2015-2018

        The impacts of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are assessed in fat tissue (blubber) using live explant samples from young grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on the east coast of Scotland. The...

        GP recorded obesity rates

        A dataset providing data on GP recorded obesity rates.  Obesity is a term used to describe somebody who is very overweight, with a lot of body fat. It's a common problem, estimated to affect around...

        Secondary exposure to second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in European polecats (Mustela putorius) in Great Britain 2013 to 2016

        Data comprise measurements of carcass condition (age, sex, length, mass and fat score), age (from stable isotope analysis of whiskers and Cementum aging of teeth) and rodenticide concentrations...

        Survey of the Subtidal Sediments of the Solent Maritime SAC

        Emu Limited was commissioned by Natural England to carry out an acoustic and ecological survey of the subtidal zone (areas below the Mean Low Water mark) within the Solent Maritime Special Area of...

        Flood and Coastal Risk Management 6 Year Capital Programme 2021 - 2027

        This is the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Programme of Work. Consented by Regional Flood & Coastal Committees and updated yearly in March. The Programme tab provides information on...

        Flood and Coastal Risk Management 6 Year Capital Programme 2015 - 2021

        This is the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Programme of Work. Consented by Regional Flood & Coastal Committees and updated yearly in March. The Programme tab provides information on...

        Joule II Project Report: The underground disposal of carbon dioxide : Final Report

        The purpose of Joule II Project Number CT92-0031 'The Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide' was to examine the potential for reducing CO2 emissions to the Earth's atmosphere from fossil fuel...

        Chemical composition of Central Asian forage plants

        The database of chemical composition of Central Asian forage plants contains just under 1000 desert and steppe species with information such as Latin and Russian names and family and related...

        Healthier Catering Award premises

        Restaurants, takeaways and other caterers that offer healthier food can now apply for a Healthier Catering Award. This scheme is run by the council in partnership with the GLA (Greater London...

        Experimental friction data for simulated Nankai Trough gouges sheared under a range of effective normal stress and pore-fluid pressure conditions (NERC Grant NE/S015531/1)

        The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on simulated gouges from the Nankai Trough (Japan). The simulated gouges were prepared by crushing cuttings of Nankai accretionary...

        Native Oyster Bed Potential

        Summary: Most Native Oyster Bed Potential areas are derived from seabed sediment and current energy criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been identified through consultations with local experts....

        Seagrass Potential

        Summary Seagrass Potential v3 Summary: A majority of the seagrass potential areas are derived from wave and current energy, elevation and salinity criteria. Some 'Additional' areas have been...

        Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) percentage cover of plant species on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex

        The dataset comprises of percentage plant cover by species observed by eye in a 1metre (m) x 1m quadrat. Measurements were recorded at six salt marsh sites at four spatial scales: 1 metre (m) (the...

        Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) spider and beetle abundance on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex

        The dataset comprises the spider and beetle abundance sampled by suction sampling in each 1metre (m) x 1m quadrat. Sampling was conducted at six salt marsh sites at four spatial scales: 1 m (the...

        Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) net primary productivity (NPP) on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex

        The dataset comprises net primary productivity (NPP) measured as kilogrammes of dry above-ground vegetation per square metre per year. Sampling was conducted at six salt marsh sites at four spatial...

        Growth of five species of trees on experimental plots on sand tailings left after mining for rutile in Sierra Leone

        Data comprise measured heights of five species of trees after 2.5 years growth between June 2007 and November 2009 in plots reclaimed using a variety of planting techniques and surface applications...