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        49 results found

        Military Search and Rescue Statistics

        Military search and rescue statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Annual

        Military Search and Rescue Quarterly Statistics

        Military search and rescue statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Quarterly

        Court Martial Results from the Military Court Centres

        In line with the Government’s Transparency and Open Data initiative, the Military Court Service has agreed to provide Court Martial results in respect of the Military Court Centres.

        UK Strategic Export Control Lists: The Consolidated List of Strategic Military and Dual-Use Items

        The listing of strategic controlled goods which might require an export licence. The list incorporates the UK Military List and the EU Dual-Use List.

        Military Search and Rescue Monthly Statistic

        Search and rescue statistics Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Monthly

        Revoked Byelaws on the Military Estate

        List Of Revoked Byelaws Revoked Byelaws - Byelaws revoked by the creation of later byelaws.

        Hodgkin's Expert Advice Tool (HEAT)

        System which records call logs, hardware inventory and internal customer contact profiles

        ICT Spend

        This dataset contains a breakdown of ICT expenditure by the Council in each financial year, including hardware, software telecoms and other expenses. It will be updated on an annual basis.

        Armed Forces and Ex-service Personnel

        Statistics on numbers of military personnel and veterans

        CEA Database

        CEA details on military personnel who have children in boarding school.

        Cemetery Database Post 1900

        Cemetery database used to record details of deceased persons buried in Aldershot Military Cemetery and their next of kin

        Air Safety Information Management System (ASIMS)

        ASIMS is tri-service occurrence reporting system used to record and manage Air Safety occurrences and Hazard Observations across the Military Air Environment


        Application used to store information on where all HQ UKSC/GSG telephones, both Military and Civil including DSL Broadband accounts are located along with their user address details.


        The Veterans Db is an application designed and developed by UKSCG G6 for use by J1 to register Military Veterans living in Germany and surrounding countries.


        Project Management Information System PROMIS is a database application that is used to record the educational attainment of Officers and Soldiers within the Army, for both civilian and military...

        Armed Forces List 2013

        The Armed Forces lists are lists of military officers serving in the British Armed Forces during 2013 broken down by service. The lists include the name, rank, number, post nominals, seniority date...

        3D palaeontological and petrological specimen scan data

        The BGS 3D scans store holds digital 3-dimensional scans of BGS palaeontological and petrological specimens. The data include 3-dimensional meshes and 2-dimensional images exported by the scanning...

        Export control licence applications

        The Export Control Organisation controls the export of military and dual-use items. It does this by issuing export licences to UK companies who wish to export controlled goods overseas. Export...

        Iraq Polling data

        MOD is releasing polling data collected in Iraq between June 2005 and the end of 2006 in order to support decision making during Operation Telic, the UK military contribution to the international...

        2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Existing users and management initiatives (north UKCS)

        This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report is a...