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124 results found

Bus / Coach fares

Bus / Coach fares Data currently held by service operators and therefore not available in a nationally consistent format This data is held by the transport operators

Annual bus statistics

Statistics presenting latest annual data for local buses in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Annual bus statistics

Quarterly bus statistics

Statistics presenting the latest quarterly data on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus patronage in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Bus Lane and Bus Gate Enforcement

This page contains datasets about Cambridgeshire County Council's enforcement of bus lanes and bus gates in Cambridge City.  The datasets contain figures showing the number of Penalty Charge...

Bus and Local Transport surveys

Range of surveys on buses and local transport, notably annual Passenger Service Vehicle (PSV) operators survey covering c. 1500 bus and coach operators. Also data on bus fares, reliability, taxis,...

Quarterly Bus Statistics, Great Britain

Bulletin presenting the latest quarterly data on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus patronage in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Northern Ireland Bus Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Bus Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of buses travelling on the roads in Northern...

Bus Punctuality Statistics, Great Britain

Biennial bulletin presenting statistics on the timeliness of buses in Great Britain, excluding London. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Bus Service Operators Grant Files

Hard copy paper records holding details of operators' Bus Service Operators Grant claims, both current and previous.

Bus Service Operators Grant Claims

Database held on ETHOS used to calculate Bus Service Operators Grant for payment to bus operators. Operator details held are company address, vendor number, contact telephone number and email...

Bus Lanes

bus lanes in the City of London.

Bus stops

Location of bus stops owned by Barrow Borough Council. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

Bus stops

All bus stops including information on direction of travel.

Bus stops

Data showing geographic locations of all bus stops within the Plymouth boundary.

Bus Passenger Satisfaction Survey

The report contains the annual results for the Bus Passenger Satisfaction Survey. The survey asks passengers to rate their satisfaction with several aspects of the bus journey they have just...

Bus Mystery Traveller Survey

This report contains the Bus Mystery Traveller Survey half year results. The survey assesses factors associated with local bus travel, in particular the bus stop / bus shelter, bus punctuality,...

Bus and Light Rail Statistics, Great Britain

Bulletin presenting the latest quarterly data on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus and light rail patronage in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

NI 178 - Bus services running on time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP...

NI 178 - Bus services running on time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

Traffic Commissioners: local bus service registration

These records are updated on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Register of all registered local bus services in Great Britain as recorded on the Vehicle Operator Licensing database (VOL). 1....