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84 results found

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Organochlorine insecticides and mercury in predatory bird livers (PBMS)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Data comprise concentrations of organochlorine insecticides and mercury in sparrowhawk, kestrel and heron livers taken during post mortem from deceased birds of...

Persistent organic pollutants and mercury in merlin and golden eagle eggs [PBMS]

This dataset contains concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and mercury (Hg) in merlin and golden eagle egg contents collected as part of the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme...

Data selector for Air Quality statistics

Air quality Data selector for following pollutants: Ozone, Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, PM10 components , PM2.5 components, ethane, ethane, ethyne, propane,...

Inputs of mercury, cadmium and lead via water and air to the Greater North Sea between 1990 and 2014

The data shows the input loads of mercury, cadmium and lead via water and air to the Greater North Sea between 1990 and 2014. The data are separated by input loads from the UK, the OSPAR...

Inputs of mercury, cadmium and lead via water and air to the Greater North Sea between 1990 and 2014

The data shows the input loads of mercury, cadmium and lead via water and air to the Greater North Sea between 1990 and 2014. The data are separated by input loads from the UK, the OSPAR...

Campanian Ignimbrite glass (melt) chemistry (NERC Grant NE/S003584/1)

Major element glass chemistry of deposits of the Campanian Ignimbrite from proximal and distal units across Campania and central Italy. Details of the samples that this data relates to can be found...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B5b, Marine pollution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B5b, Marine pollution. Pollution by hazardous heavy metals and pesticides can have adverse effects on the marine environment...

Halogen contents of basalt glasses from Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge (NERC Grant NE/P002331/1)

Halogen (Cl, Br, I) contents measured in (a) basalt glass chips collected from subglacial eruptions in Iceland's neovolcanic zones, and (b) basalt glass chips recovered from the Reykjanes Ridge.

Compilation of Mineral and Glass Compositions erupted at Villarrica volcano, Chile (NERC Grant NE/S007458/1)

A compilation of mineral and glass compositions erupted at Villarrica volcano, Chile, measured by electron microprobe. Data are sourced from published articles, theses and unpublished works....

Three-dimensional temporal imaging of X-ray CT imaging of dissolution-driven convection in glass beads

The images in this dataset show the mixing of two liquid solutions in a random bead pack as a function of time and in three-dimensions. The working fluids used in this study are solutions of...

Glass chemistry of eruption deposits from volcanoes around Mexico City (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

Electron microprobe glass chemistry data from explosive eruption deposits from Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl and Tláloc-Telapón volcanoes in Central México, spanning the last 700 ka. Associated with...

Analyses of volcanic glasses from oceanic islands and mid-ocean ridges (NERC Grant NE/P017045/1)

Analyses of volcanic glasses from a range of oceanic islands (Samoa, Cook-Australs, Iceland) and mid-ocean ridges (Reykjanes Ridge). Each glass sample was analysed for the concentrations of >60...

Major, volatile, and trace element composition, and sulfur isotope ratios of melt inclusions from volcanic arcs

This Excel spreadsheet provides the composition of volcanic glasses (melt inclusions, melt embayment and matrix glasses) analysed as part of NSF-NERC grant "Sulfur Cycling in Subduction Zones". In...

Bring sites

A dataset providing the locations of all bring sites in Leeds.  This dataset also shows the amount of glass collected at each site each month from April 2016. Bring sites are smaller recycling...

Glass geochemical data of Late Quaternary tephra from Main Ethiopian Rift (NERC grant NE/L013533/1)

Glass major element geochemical data on Late Quaternary tephra deposits from the Main Ethiopian Rift volcanoes. These data were acquired using Electron Microprobe Analysis, and secondary standard...

Trace element and Vanadium isotope compositions of basalt glass samples from the Reykjanes Ridge (NERC Grant NE/N009886/1)

The data forms the basis of the paper Novella et al (2020 ( and full interpretation can be found there. Basalt glass chips were supplied by Bramley Murton...

Recycling Bring Bank sites in Barnet

A location list of the recycling sites (bring banks) available in Barnet including details of items that can be recycled i.e textiles & shoes, paper, glass, tins/cans, small electrical items....

Melt inclusion, host mineral, and glass compositions from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (NERC grant NE/M021130/1)

Geochemical analyses of melt inclusions, host minerals, and glasses from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland. Published in: Hartley ME, Bali E, Neave DA, Maclennan J, Halldorsson SA (2018) Melt...

Major and trace element data for glasses and melt inclusions from Midfell, Snaefellsjokull and Oraefajokull, Iceland (NERC Grant NE/P002331/1)

Major and trace element data for olivine- and plagioclase-hosted silicate melt inclusions, their host minerals, and associated matrix glasses, from Midfell, Snaefellsjokull and Oraefajokull,...