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255 results found

Advertising Contact

Advertising Contact details and correspondence with manufacturers and Importers. Market surveillance reports includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

Planning Application Advertisement Consent

Guidance, criteria and forms for Advertisement Consent can be found below. The term advertisement covers a very wide range of advertisements and signs including: * Posters and notices * ...

Advertising hoarding sites

> List of council-owned advertising sites.

Marketing & Advertising Exemption

Marketing & Advertising spend that is exempt from public sector moratoria set out in the spending review.

Area of Special Control of Advertisements

The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007

Allerdale Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas

Allerdale Planning Constraint on Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas. Expressed as Polygons

Allerdale Area Special Control Advertisement

Allerdale Planning Constraint on Areas of Special Control on Advertisement. Expressed as polygons

Allerdale Advertising Control Land Charge

Advertising Control order recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

North Lincolnshire Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements

An Area of Special Control of Advertisements is an area specifically defined by the planning authority because they consider that its scenic, historical, architectural or cultural features are so...

Annual media evaluation

An evaluation of all media work carried out for 2016.

Children's media literacy report

Annual report on children's media literacy in the UK. This report provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as detailed...

Cross-Platform Media Tracker

The cross-platform media tracker, formerly called the media tracker, provides information on UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related areas such as...

Meetings with media organisations

This list sets out the Secretary of State’s meetings with senior media executives for the period May 2010-July 2011. This includes all meetings with proprietors, senior executives and editors of...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT...

Adults' media use and attitudes

The Adults' Media Use and Attitudes report is published as part of Ofcom's media literacy duties. It provides data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the...

Broadcast media: hours, revenue and spend

These datasets apply to Ofcom's annual publication, the Media Nations Report.

Meetings with Proprietors, Editors and Media Executives

Meetings with Proprietors, Editors and Media Executives

Social media usage by local government

A list of UK local authorities which are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Also includes those with RSS feeds, web development blogs and open data.

UK Attitudes to the Broadcast media

This report provides a summary of findings from Ofcom’s Annual Media Tracker survey. The research explores UK adults’ attitudes and opinions towards television and radio broadcasting, and related...

Peat usage in growing media production

Data on the volume and composition of growing media supplied to the UK amateur and professional use horticultural markets. It contributes to the monitoring of progress of the ambition set out in...