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716 results found

Childcare demand projections

GLA Economics presents London childcare demand projections.  These are demand for formal childcare for 0-14 year olds, and sub-age groups.  The definition of formal childcare used is broad, and...


Locations of markets in the City of Nottingham including information about the days on which the markets operate.

Projected Demand for School Places

The pan-London demand for school places project is an attempt to provide a consistent view of the demand for school places across London. The project was commissioned following an identifed need...

Weekly markets

Location, opening times and contact details of all weekly markets. More information on Calderdale markets can be found at...

The International Communications Market Report

This annual report provides comparative international data on the communications sector. The aim of the report is to benchmark the UK communications sector against a range of comparator countries...

Housing demand indicators

General demand indicators: Difficult to let and vacant dwellings Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Historical rail passenger demand data

Rail Service Analysis - Historic Rail Passenger Demand Data derived from LENNON/CAPRI

Street Markets

Shows locations of street markets in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.

Annual markets information

Dataset showing year round council and private markets. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Energy Demand Research Project (EDRP)

Pilot trials (2007-2010) to test the impact of different interventions on energy demand reduction, jointly conducted by energy companies and academics (managed by Ofgem on behalf of Defra/DECC)

Northern Powergrid - Substation Demand Data for Calderdale

This data is from Northern Powergrid and is a forecast of peak demand based on current demand and an estimate of the expected increase due to natural load growth.

Private markets information

Dataset showing individual private markets around the city on a year by year basis. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Import demand: long run income elasticities

Results presented in BIS research paper no. 144 Long run income elasticities of import demand.

Labour Market Profiles

A Labour Market profile of an area.

Northern Powergrid - Demand and Capacity Data

Data from Northern Powergrid shows the full area covered by the company and maps demands, fault levels, capacities and generation of substations. Conditions of use included.

TV and on-demand access services

TV access services Data on the extent to which broadcast television channels and on-demand programme services (“ODPS”) carries subtitles, audio description and/or signing (collectively “access...

Heat Demand of Properties by Data Zone - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of annual heat demand for almost 3 million properties in Scotland. Demand is given in kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/yr). Property level estimates can be...

Labour Market Profiles

Labour Market Profiles for Regions, Local Authorities, Local enterprsie Partnerships, Wards and Parliamentary Constituencies.

Maldon Market Place

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Maldon Market (1996-2005 Adopted Local Plan)

Heat Demand of Properties by Settlement - Scotland

The Scotland Heat Map provides estimates of annual heat demand for almost 3 million properties in Scotland. Demand is given in kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/yr). Property level estimates can be...