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MAGIC Marine Protected Area Features

Please note: This data is displayed publicly for viewing purposes only on MAGIC, but is not available for download. This dataset contains a collation of marine habitat and species biotope records...

Groundwater Vulnerability Maps (2017) on MAGIC

This dataset is available for use for non-commercial purposes only on request as AfA248 dataset Groundwater Vulnerability Maps (2017). For commercial use please contact the British Geological...

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Clams Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Clams from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Cockles Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Cockles from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Mussels Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Mussels from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Clams Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Clams from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Cockles Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Cockles from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Mussels Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Mussels from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell Database

Reports of suspected Fraud submitted to the DIR Cell.  All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to witnesses, persons of interest, investiating officers, investigation...

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Native Oysters Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Native Oysters from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Pacific Oysters Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Pacific Oysters from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Pacific Oysters Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Pacific Oysters from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

2010 Defra MB0106 MFA Native Oysters Shellfishery MAGIC

MFA landings data for Native Oysters from reported shellfish landings at ports in England and Wales.

Defence Irregularity Reports

Defence Irreugularity reports - MOD reports of irregularities submitted to the DIRC via Defence Network, letters, phone calls. All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to...

Sustainable Farming Incentive Moorland Standard Survey Planning Grid

The grid layer will support farmers who have entered land in the Introductory level of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Moorland Standard. The standard requires that agreement holders carry...

Vulnerable Concentrations of Seabirds to Oil Spills 1995

Seabird concentrations are especially vulnerable to oil pollution, and may become contaminated by oil wherever concentrations occur at sea, sometimes at considerable distance from the coast. This...

Seabird Nesting Counts (British Isles)

This dataset contains counts of breeding seabirds derived from surveys by professional and volunteer ornithologists from within sub-sites defined using 6-figure OS grid references. Counts were...

Village Greens circa 1994

Village Greens, named sites and registration details collated by then Office for the Deputy Prime Minister (2004/5) now The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Please note, this...

Wild Bird General Licence Protected Sites Condition Zone (England)

Special Protection Areas where condition 5 on General Licences GL40, GL41, GL42 applies. In these areas, licence users may carry out general licence activity provided that they do not disturb the...

Wild Bird General Licence Exclusion Zone

Area in and adjacent to protected sites where action is not permitted under certain General Licences for wild birds. Relevant licences state whether this exclusion applies. In 2019, changes are...