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309 results found

Car Parks

THE CAR PARKS DATASET IS NO LONGER UPDATED. This dataset of car parks in Great Britain was created for the Transport Direct journey planning website. It includes co-ordinates of each car park...

Government Car Data (On Demand Services

LT enterprise is an auto despatch booking system. Hold journey details and addresses for individuals together with contact details.

Government Car Data (Contract Services

Phoenix database contains personal driver and car details, records annual leave and sickness. Holds Minister addresses and contact details etc.

Lease Cars

NOTE: This dataset must not be shared outside the Environment Agency as it contains personal data. Contact the Technical Custodian for more information. Information relating to company lease cars...

Car theft index

Shows which makes and models of car are most at risk of being stolen

Public Perceptions on Car Emissions

The publication contains data on public opinion regarding car/van emissions. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Plug-in Car and Van Grant Recipients

The asset is a web application logging orders and sales of cars eligible for the DfT Office for Low Emission Vehicles' Plug-in Car and Van Grants, which provides 25% or 20% off the cost of an...

Data on used car residual values

Commercial data on used car residual values, and forecast residual values. Data collection ceased.

Car Leasehold

This Dataset contains information on the cars leased to the officers at the Council and the renewal date of the lease.

Car Parks

All off-street car parks in Oxford

Car Parks

Locations of CAR PARKS within the Ribble Valley

Car Parks

Overlay showing both council owned and private car parks in the Mansfield District

Car Parks

Public Car parks in Copeland, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Car Parks

Dover District Council deals with Off-Street parking and provides a number of car parks both free and where charges are imposed

Car Parks

Car Parks (CARP) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Car Parks

Car Parks

Car Parks

Provides the general location in the form of points (centre of the location) of the car parks.

Car Parks

Car park information, items and locations

Car Parks

Car Parks in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be immediately reflected...

Car Parks

Stockport Council car parks information. This dataset includes information about facilities at each car park, charging class, location and financial infromation.