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3,048 results found

DCMS Lottery Grants Database

Here you can find out about what organisations in your area have received Lottery grants and what the money was spent on. This search page allows you to find out what groups and people received...

National Lottery - funds raised for good causes

This report details the fund raised for good causes by the National Lottery. Funds are raised from the sale of National Lottery games and supplemented by items suchs as unclaimed prizes. The funds...

Small society lottery registrations

This dataset shows registrations for charitable societies to conduct small lotteries (e.g. raffles etc.) The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer and open it in a...

Monthly spend Olympic Lottery Distributor 2011/12.

Table showing expenditure over £25k by the Olympic Lottery Distributor for 2011/12.

Spend over £500 in National Lottery Commission

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by National Lottery Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Organogram and salary structure for Olympic Lottery Distributor

A list of posts and salary structures within the Olympic Lottery Distributor. Senior posts include title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer.

BIG Lottery Fund Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2012

BIG Lottery Fund Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2012

BIG Lottery Fund Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2012

BIG Lottery Fund Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2012

Spend over £25,000 in Olympic Lottery Distributor April 2010 - March 2011

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 by the Olympic Lottery Distributor for the year 2010 - 2011.

Monthly spend over £25,000 in the Olympic Lottery Distributor.April 2012 - March 2013

Monthly spend over £25,000 in the Olympic Lottery Distributor for the year 2012-13

Tariff System

Case Management System for handling case level data for paper files

GeMS System

Replacement storage and processing system (for 2) for Management Systems Certification Audit documentation and status. This holds details on companies and systems certified.

Blueprint system

British Council - Records management system for records relating to British Council branches and subsidiaries, such as copies of Powers of Attorney documents and subsidiary Board minutes

Large Business Strategy (LBS) Core System - Risk management system

LBS risk management system. Updated: monthly.

Correspondence Tracking System

System for recording correspondence

Large Business Strategy (LBS) Core System - Risk management system

Large Business Strategy (LBS) risk management system. Updated: monthly.

Synthesis telephone system

Synthesis is used by the regulator to manage outbound telephone call campaigns. The system will contain names and contact details of individuals and organisations that are part of each outbound...

Fitness Information System Software

Actually three different systems, one for each Service.  The systems record Fitness levels of all Service Personnel. This is a DASA hosted system used by the three Services.

Labour Market System

The Labour Market System is an IT system used by DWP to support getting people into work, whether they are in receipt of benefit or not. The database contains personal details such as National...

Siebel Booking System

Vehicle Testing Operational IS System (incorporates e-Test Bookings and Vehicle Testing)