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        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme -Total Equity Loans & Equity Loans First Time Buyers

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level and includes total equity loans and equity loans to first time buyers . For data released from 5 March 2015...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by district (Total Equity Loans & Equity Loans First Time Buyers)

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level and includes total equity loans and equity loans to first time buyers . For data released from 5 March 2015...

        Library loans

        Library loans A loan is the issuing of an item of stock to a member of the library service. A renewal of an item already on loan is counted as an additional loan. Loans of both physical and...

        Student Loans

        Presents statistics on student loan borrower status and repayments by repayment cohort and tax year, produced by the Student Loans Company Source agency: Business, Innovation and...

        Loan Portfolio

        The Council has a pool of loans that it manages.  These are amounts that are borrowed in order to mainly fund capital projects.This data will be updated as new loans are added or when loans...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by postcode district (Total Equity Loans).

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at postcode district level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the completion...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by parliamentary constituency (Total Equity Loans).

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at parliamentary constituency level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by post code sector (Total Equity Loans).

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at post code sector level. For data released from 5 March 2015 onwards, the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) have revised the completion...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by district.

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level. The figures cover the launch of the scheme on 1 April 2013 until 31 October 2014. Information on the...

        Student Loans in England

        Presents statistics on the status of student loans borrowers and the change in debt in the financial year. The borrowers are English domiciles who studied anywhere in the UK or EU students who...

        Museums loans

        Datasets showing loans out to other museums across the UK and around the world from Leeds. Please note ----------- * It is acknowledged that this information is not in the best format and work...

        Student Loan Repayments

        Administrative data on Student Loan Repayments collected by HMRC. Updated: every April and December.

        Library loans (books only)

        This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by parliamentary constituency.

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at parliamentary constituency level. The figures cover the launch of the scheme on 1 April 2013 until 31 October 2014. Figures have...

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by postcode district.

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at postcode district level. The figures cover the launch of the scheme on 1 April 2013 until 31 October 2014. Information on the...

        Eligible but not homeless

        Local authorities' action under the homelessness provisions of the 1985 & 1996 Housing Acts, by district. This includes statistics on: Households accepted as being homeless and in prioirty...

        Grants and Loans (GLOANS)

        Historical information on loans made by DFID.

        Library loans (all media)

        This dataset concerns loans made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The 2000/01 and 2001/02 figures relate only to the number of books issued....

        Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by post code sector

        This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at post code sector level. The figures cover the launch of the scheme on 1 April 2013 until 31 October 2014. Information on the...

        Student Loans Arrears Management system

        Student Loans Arrears management operational data. Contains data on all Student Loans accounts that have fallen into arrears and the action taken to collect the arrears.