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1,541 results found

Speed Limits

Speed limits within North Somerset.

Bridge Weight Limits

A list of bridges and their weight limits

Speed Limiter Tacho

Contains records of Tachograph and Speed limiter approved centres.


This is a polygon dataset that shows the Industrial Development Limits as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Allerdale Settlement Limit

Settlement limit defined as a polygon extent defines the area of urban population centers used for planning policy and constraints.

Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

Scottish Adjacent Waters Limit

The Scottish Adjacent Waters limit

Limiting long term illness

Data showing limiting-long term illness in Plymouth.

Mendip District Council Development Limits

This dataset outlines Mendip District Councils development Limits A “Development Limit” is the edge of the area in which development is considered appropriate as part of the built up area....

UK 12M fish limit

The 12 mile fish limit

UK 6M fish limit

The 6 mile fish limit

Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Limit

The Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Limit

Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

The Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

20mph Speed Limit Areas

Areas in Calderdale which have a 20 mph speed limit. .Tab files (zipped) and .JSON files contain data which can be used in various Geographic information systems. Excel and CSV formats do...

Settlement Development Limits 2015

Settlement Development Limits (SDLs) are a statistical classification and delineation of settlements in Northern Ireland defined by the DOE Planning Service in November 2014. SDL boundaries are...

Enigma CCTV Limited Contract

Enigma CCTV Limited is a three year contract 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025 Contract is to provide CCTV Monitoring services for Public Safety and the Library Service.  The Committee Report...

Scarborough Borough Council Development Limits

Extents of Development Limits in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

Limiting long term illness or disability (%)

Limiting long term illness or disability (%)

Business cases to increase Recommended Funding Limit

Business cases to increase providers Recommended Funding Limit

North Yorkshire Local Plan Settlement Boundaries (Development Limits)

Development Limits (also known as Settlement Boundaries). Development limits drawn around settlements defined in planning policy have been used for many years to differentiate where settlement...