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        697 results found

        Legislation API

        API for - launched by The National Archives on 29/07/2010 - giving access to the statute book at various levels, for various times, as reusable html fragments, xml and rdf....

        UK Legislation

        Original (as enacted) and revised versions of UK legislation

        Smokefree Legislation Compliance

        Summarises the findings of the smokefree legislation compliance. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

        Research Assessment Exercise 1996

        The Research Assessment Exercise was a peer review exercise to evaluate the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Limited demographics. Details on research active staff together...

        Research Assessment Exercise 2001

        The Research Assessment Exercise was a peer review exercise to evaluate the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Limited demographics. Details on research active staff together...

        1992 Research Assessment Exercise

        The Research Assessment Exercise was a peer review exercise to evaluate the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Limited demographics. The data include details on research...

        Research Assessment Exercise 2008

        The Research Assessment Exercise was a peer review exercise to evaluate the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. We have details on research active staff together with details...

        Legislation SPARQL API

        SPARQL Endpoint provided by TSO for searching the linked data of

        National Archives - customer satisfaction

        Details of customer satisfaction recorded for National Archives

        Coastal Overview Legislation [Eng only]

        Coastal Legislative Layer [Polyline]. The Coastal Overview data layers identifies the lead authority for the management of discrete stretches of the English coast as defined by the Seaward of the...

        Exercises - File Checking and Rank Exercise

        Details of claim checks and reviews

        Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland

        Applications, numbers in temporary accommodation, and snapshot of characteristics of applicants and local authority responses. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

        Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK

        Contains details of policy changes, together with information on changes to immigration legislation that affect immigration statistics.

        Statistics of the Employment Tribunals selection and recommendations for appointment exercise, showing diversity

        This report presents comprehensive statistics on the judicial selection process and recommendations for Employment Tribunal Members. This exercise ran from August 2009 to January 2010. Most...

        Statistics of completed selection exercises and recommendations for judicial appointment showing diversity

        Published by the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) - Half-yearly publication presenting the progress of candidates through the selection process for judicial office broken down by gender,...

        % of businesses that were compliant with legislation concerning the illegal use and sale of alcohol and tobacco

        % of businesses that were compliant with legislation concerning the illegal use and sale of alcohol and tobacco. *This indicator has been discontinued.

        Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Legislation and Targets

        This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council’s Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them  P1 - There is...

        Northern Ireland Terrorism Legislation: Annual Statistics for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 December 2021

        The report details the use in Northern Ireland of powers contained within the Terrorism Act 2000, the Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Act 2006, the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 and the Justice and...

        Littoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

        Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing

        Sublittoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

        Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing