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245 results found

Thames Estuary Production Corridor: Fashion Design and Manufacturing Sector: evidence base and emerging areas of action

This dataset was collated to provide evidence for supporting and investing in the high growth fashion design and manufacturing sector in the Thames Estuary region. This evidence base was created as...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains buffers of green spaces larger than 2 hectares.

Strategic Open Spaces for Larger Towns

In 2014 Cornwall Council adopted the Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall as interim planning guidance pending adoption of the Cornwall Local Plan, when it will follow the process to...

Locations and characteristics of electricity substations (33 kV or larger), Great Britain, 2018

The data consists of names, types, voltages, constraint status and national grid references for 56,865 electricity substations (33 kV or larger) in Great Britain in 2018. It was compiled from...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains green spaces of 2 or more hectares.


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) larger mobile macrofaunal abundance, biomass and species richness from fyke netting in mudflat habitats

The dataset details larger mobile fish and macrofaunal abundance across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013, sampled using fyke nets. The data provide a quantitative measure of...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains buffers of Green Space sites greater than 20 ha.

East of England Forecasting Model 2013 Baseline

The East of England Forecasting Model projects economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. It covers a wide range of variables, and is designed to be flexible so that...

East of England Forecasting Model 2013 Baseline for Cambridgeshire

The East of England Forecasting Model projects economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. It covers a wide range of variables, and is designed to be flexible so that...

Species point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...

Habitat point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...

Green Belt

This layer contains Green Belt land areas and refers to an area that is kept in reserve for an open space, most often around larger cities. The main purpose of the green belt policy is to protect...

Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

YDNPA Local Plan Policy C1 - Housing development boundaries - Service villages

Identifies the boundaries around larger villages within which new house building is acceptable in principle. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

West Somerset Council - Development Line

A line around part or all of the towns and larger villages, within which particular development policies of the Local Plan apply.

Town Centre Boundaries

showing boundaries of Town Centres as defined in the London Plan and lambeth's Core Strategy; these are the larger shopping areas such as west norwood or clapham.

2009 Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT), Dorset Integrated Seabed Study (DORIS) Intertidal and shallow sublittoral biotope Mapping survey

This survey was an intertidal and shallow sublittoral survey in Dorset as part of a larger biotope mapping project. The purpose was to collect baseline information for marine conservation and...

2009 Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT), Dorset Integrated Seabed Study (DORIS) Intertidal and shallow sublittoral biotope Mapping survey

This survey was an intertidal and shallow sublittoral survey in Dorset as part of a larger biotope mapping project. The purpose was to collect baseline information for marine conservation and...

Energy Performance of Buildings Register, England and Wales

Information about certificates on the energy efficiency of domestic and non-domestic buildings in England and Wales that have been constructed, sold, or let since 2008, and of larger public...