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Gardens and Designed Landscapes

Gardens and designed landscapes are grounds which have been laid out for artistic effect and, in appropriate cases, include references to any buildings, land, or water on, adjacent, or contiguous...

Gardens and Designed Landscapes (WMS)

Gardens and designed landscapes are grounds which have been laid out for artistic effect and, in appropriate cases, include references to any buildings, land, or water on, adjacent, or contiguous...

Landscape Appraisal Upland Landscapes

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Landscape Appraisal Moorland Landscapes

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Landscape Appraisal Intermediate Landscapes

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Landscape Appraisal Lowland Landscapes

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Landscape Appraisal Other Landscapes

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Local Landscape Areas - Scotland

There are many areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and local authorities often give these landscapes a local designation. This is to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by...

Landscape Appraisal River Valley

Craven Landscape Character types as designated in a 2002 study showing Semi-Enclosed Intermediate Landscapes, Semi-Enclosed Lowland, Open Moorland and Moorland Fringe Landscapes, Modified...

Local Landscape Areas - Fife

Dataset provides details of areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and designated to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by inappropriate development. The designations raise...

Special Landscape Area Dataset

Dataset shows land within Special Landscape Area Designation

LANDMAP Cultural Landscape

Landmap is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

Special Landscape Areas (SLAs) - City of Edinburgh

22 candidate Special Landscape Areas (cSLAs) were identified in the approved Review of Local Landscape Designations (Feb 2010). The candidates are based upon landscape character assessment and...

LANDMAP Historic Landscape

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

NYMNPA Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Areas

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the...

NYMNPA Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Types

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment was carried out by consultants with input from National Park staff and was completed in 2003. It identifies the main landscape types within the...

Local Landscape Character Areas

Designated higly valued areas within the London Borough of Hounslow to ensure landscape is not damaged by inappropriate developement. (PHASE 2)

LANDMAP Geological Landscape

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales, allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...


This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing areas designated as landscape character areas within the borough of Ashford, Kent.

Sedgemoor Landscape Character Areas

The data available replicates the map (no 5) which was published in the "Sedgemoor Landscape Assessment and Countryside Design Summary" in 2003