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48 results found

Smoke Control Zone Northumberland

These are parts of the UK which have been designated by the Council to reduce smoke emissions from domestic fires. The designation makes it illegal to burn any un-authorised fuels and that an...

Smoke Control Layer v1

Region showing designated smoke control areas where only smokeless fuels can be burnt or exempt appliance used

smoke control areas

Composite dataset of the Smoke Contol Areas formally ordered by the 3 boroughs that now form CWAC. Smoke Control Area Orders can be made under varions editions of the Clean Air Acts and may cover...

Number of rooms by household (2001 Census)

The count of the number of rooms in a household's accommodation Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle...

Smoke Control Areas - Scotland

Under Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993, many parts of Scotland are declared Smoke Control Areas by the relevant local authority. If you live in a smoke control area it is an offence to produce...

Smoke Control Zones

Smoke Control Areas in the Wakefield Council district to control smoke emissions from chimneys: only "smokeless" fuel should be used on heating appliances serving properties in these areas.

Smoke Control Areas - Clackmannanshire

Under Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993, many parts of Scotland are Smoke Control Areas. If you live in a smoke control area it is an offence to produce smoke from a chimney of a building, or a...

General Pharmaceutical Services in England 2002-03 to 2011-12

This publication shows information about services provided by community pharmacies and appliance contractors in England in contract with Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to dispense NHS prescriptions...

Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates...

General Pharmaceutical Services

The General Pharmaceutical Services in England report shows information about community pharmacy contractors (community pharmacies) and appliance contractors in England, and the NHS services they...

Smoke Control Areas

Smoke Control Areas: Areas within Bath & North East Somerset where smoke control legislation applies. Within these areas you are required to either burn approved smokeless fuels or require an...

Dispensing by Contractor

The data covers prescriptions that are prescribed in Northern Ireland by GPs or Nurses (within a GP practice), that are subsequently dispensed by a community pharmacist, dispensing doctor,...

Smoke Control Orders

This dataset shows the location of Smoke Control Orders in Wigan Borough. Smoke Control Orders are designed to reduce air pollution, prohibit residents from using solid fuel burning fires in their...

RBWM Smoke Control Zones

Areas within Windsor where it is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of a building, from a furnace or from any fixed boiler if located in a designated smoke control area. It is also an offence...

NI 049 - Number of primary fires and related fatalities and non-fatal casualties (excluding precautionary checks)

A primary fire is any fire involving property (including non-derelict vehicles) or casualties or involves 5 or more fire appliances. The indicator is defined in three parts: 1.Total number of...

Prescriptions Dispensed in the Community

A summary of prescriptions dispensed in the community by community pharmacists, appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in England. The bulletin highlights recent changes and the main trends...

Habitat point records from 1984 OPRU Lundy littoral survey and monitoring

Lundy shores have been studied over many years, providing a good descriptive basis for the assessment of the scientific interest of the area and for the location of sites and species of high...

Species point records from 1984 OPRU Lundy littoral survey and monitoring

Lundy shores have been studied over many years, providing a good descriptive basis for the assessment of the scientific interest of the area and for the location of sites and species of high...

Thurrock Smoke Control Orders

This dataset shows the boundaries of Smoke Control Orders. A Smoke Control Order is designed to reduce air pollution, prohibit residents from using solid fuel burning fires in their homes, unless...

Smoke Control Areas

Dundee is covered by a network of 21 Smoke Control Areas, established under Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993. Under the Clean Air Act 1993, it is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of any...