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Just transition initial analysis by industry group in London

These slides begin to explore the potential impacts of the transition to a net-zero carbon and circular economy on different industry groups and workers in London. It should be noted that this...

NI 048 - Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents

The total number of children (under 16) killer or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions. Source: Department for Transport (DfT): Road Casualties Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

NI 047 - People killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents

The total number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions. Source: Department for Transport (DfT): Road Casualties Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

NI 048 - Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents

The total number of children (under 16) killer or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions.

NI 047 - People killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents

The total number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions.

More than just education: A Participatory Action Research project on adult education in London

This is a Toynbee Hall report on adult education commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to inform the preparation of the Mayor’s Skills Roadmap for London. For this project Toynbee Hall...

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. The published depopulation results are...

Children and adolescents who try to harm, hurt or kill themselves

This booklet presents analysis of self-harm reports by parents about their children aged 5-15 and by the children themselves aged 11-15. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid

Sites confirmed of having Phytothphora Lateralis present. Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen which generally attacks and kills the roots of its host trees, although aerial infections of branches...

Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a)

Reported number of PEOPLE killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated by DfT, which...

Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13b)

Reported number of CHILDREN (0-15) killed in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13b) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated by DfT,...

Police fatal accident files

This asset contains police fatal road traffic accident files. The detailed information contained in these files relates to road accidents in participating police force areas where someone has been...

Road casualties: Headline figures

Figures on the number of people killed and injured on the roads. Detailed information about accident circumstances, vehicle involvement and the consequent casualties Source: Department for...

Reported number of CYCLISTS killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13d)

Reported number of CYCLISTS killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13d) Please note that the data values for the last 12 months are provisional

Road accident data

Overall numbers of persons killed or seriously injured in road accidents with breakdowns by road user type and for children and the elderly Source: Department for Transport (DfT), Statistics...

Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a (i))

Reported number of PEOPLE killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic accidents (Calendar Year) (LI 13a (i)) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it...

Road accident casualty: counts

Statistics about personal injury road accidents and their consequent casualties. The dataset includes counts of adults and children who are killed or seriously injured as well as counts of more...

Legislation API

API for - launched by The National Archives on 29/07/2010 - giving access to the statute book at various levels, for various times, as reusable html fragments, xml and rdf....

OS Names API

With OS Names API, you’ll have access to a straightforward, rapid lookup service: drilling down into the details we hold in our OS Open Names dataset. The API uses the OS Open Names dataset, a...

OS OpenMap Local

Map, visualise, and truly understand your data at street level. The most detailed street-level open data vector mapping product available, OS Open Map – Local is a great backdrop over which to...