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        Careers Advice and Guidance and University

        This data relates to careers advice and guidance to year 11 and 12 pupils in Northern Ireland and their university aspirations. Data is presented for year 11 and 12 pupils on their confidence...

        Evaluation of National Careers Service partnership delivery

        Data from a customer survey that was carried out during the evaluation. The survey was a sample of 100 National Careers Service customers and is not a representative sample. The data was for an...

        Next Step/National Careers Service contracts

        Next Step/National Careers Service contracts, may contain sensitive financial data.

        Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

        Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

        Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

        Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

        National Careers Service satisfaction and progression survey

        Data from a report that presents findings of a survey of National Careers Service (NCS) users. The research looked at customer satisfaction with the service and their progression after their...

        Criminal careers of those born between 1953 and 1988

        This statistical bulletin gives the latest comparative results of the criminal history of offenders born in selected weeks in 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988. The bulletin includes...

        Career History

        Record of employee job titles, working locations, hours of work, grade

        % of Talkabout panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

        % of Talkabout panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

        % of Talkabout panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commute out of York

        % of Talkabout panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commute out of York


        Record of employee absences (sickness, maternity, paternity, unpaid, career breaks etc)

        Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal Survey (2002/03 to 2012/13)

        Longitudinal Destinations data provides a rich insight into the employment and study patterns of leavers three and a half years into their careers. The publication includes data about leavers'...

        Equitas (Judicial Appointments Commission Candidate database)

        Judicial Appointments database of candidates containing personal details of applicant, which include career history, qualifications, self assessment information, references and diversity data which...

        Resettlement Standalone

        (1) To access BondAdapt (a Career Transition Partnership information management database listing all details of Service leavers registered to access CTP resettlement services) via a Virtual Private...

        Teaching Line Candidate Database

        The Teaching Line database is used to provide personalised information and support to those interested in a career in teaching, to convert interest into application in line with NCTL key...

        Exploratory evaluation of the Next Step service

        Data that supports BIS research report no. 97, on a study to evaluate outcomes associated with the Next Step careers and skills advice service. Explored the potential for exploiting the new Next...

        Employment Retention and Advancement

        The Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) scheme involved a study of different methods to help people stay in work and improve their career prospects including financial incentives known as...

        Next step customer satisfaction and progression surveys

        Satisfaction and progression survey data for customers of Next Step collected one month (satisfaction) and six months (progression) after the adviser session (September 2011 - March 2012). Survey...

        London’s post-16 trajectories

        As London recovers from the effects of COVID-19, it is vital that we understand the educational pathways for young people and do all we can to support them in their journey. We know that the...

        Woodland structural data derived from LiDAR for the year 2011 in the Isle of Wight

        This dataset contains height, foliage height diversity, mean crown area, tree count, bedrock, elevation, age, aspect and slope data for woodlands under 1ha in size that were also covered by Defra’s...