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131 results found

Sales Invoices

Wilton Park - Sales invoices raised to funders and fee paying participants

Sales Invoices

GBCC - Sales invoices raised to customers of Great Britain China Centre

Supplier invoices

Wilton Park - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Wilton Park

Supplier invoices

Wilton Park - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Wilton Park

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Invoices Prompt Payments

The proportion of invoices paid to agreed timescales. Updated: monthly.

Invoices Prompt Payments

The proportion of invoices paid to agreed timescales. Updated: monthly.

Invoices paid data

All invoices paid including supplier information, cost type and cost area. Amount is inclusive of VAT where this is not recoverable by the Trust.

Cambridgeshire County Council Invoice Payments

Regulation 113(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 introduced the requirement from March 2017 that all in-scope organisations must publish, on an annual basis and covering the previous 12...

Rushmoor Invoices Paid on Time

Percentage of undisputed invoices paid within 30 days.

All Bromley PCT Invoices 2011-12

All Bromley PCT Invoices 2011-12

Invoices paid within 30 days

The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 'Potential charges' are indicative only; e.g. if the supplier were to pursue their statutory right to claim interest and other compensation recovery...

Invoices paid within 30 days

The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 'Potential charges' are indicative only; e.g. if the supplier were to pursue their statutory right to claim interest and other compensation recovery...

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Lewisham PCT - All Invoices per Month 2011-12

Lewisham PCT - All Invoices per Month 2011-12

IPO prompt payment of supplier invoices

In line with Government guidelines issued at the beginning of 2009, the Intellectual Property Office is required to pay 80% of all It's undisputed supplier Invoices within 5 days of receipt. This...

% of supplier invoices paid within 30 days (including disputed)

% of supplier invoices paid within 30 days (including disputed) This data along with the [__interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices)

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices) *This indicator has been discontinued

Interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices

Interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices. This data along with the [__interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...