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Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Forestry

UK data on environmental and economic accounting for forestry, for international reporting (Eurostat) Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Smart and Integrated Ticketing Report

Report to investigate the awareness of and use made of multi-journey tickets on bus and train journeys. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring

Monitors how PCTs perform against measures in the following areas: CHD-Diabetic retinopathy; CHD-NHS Health Checks; Older people-Delayed Discharge; Health Improvement-Maternity; Health...

Integrated Accredited Programmes System (IAPS)

Operational database for the management of accredited programme requirements in all probation trusts

Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring

Monitors how PCTs perform against measures in the following areas: CHD-Diabetic retinopathy; CHD-NHS Health Checks; Older people-Delayed Discharge; Health Improvement-Maternity; Health...

European Union Savings Directive (EUSD)

Data on UK residents’ bank accounts held overseas. Received under the EUSD

Integrated Site Assessment Species Records

Integrated Site Assessments are carried out by Natural England staff to assess the condition of notified features on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and Indicators of Success on Higher Level...

Integrated Site Assessment Species Records

Integrated Site Assessments are carried out by Natural England staff to assess the condition of notified features on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and Indicators of Success on Higher Level...

Social Integration by Borough

Percent who agree that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together. This question is asked in the Public Attitudes Survey (PAS). The PAS is run by the...

Marine ecosystem integrity (size of fish in the North Sea)

Marine ecosystem integrity (size of fish in the North Sea)

Integrated WB & CAMS AP sub-catchments

The Integrated water body (WB) layer covers England and breaks it down into manageable areas from which we can monitor water resource availability. Each water body is either a Water Framework...

Transport Direct Supplementary Data

Several supplementary data sets were created in order to provide additional information on the Transport Direct journey planning website. These include links to other transport websites, details...

Social Integration Measurement Toolkit

At the end of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned [PRD]( to develop a standardised social integration measurement toolkit, for use by the GLA and other...

Social Integration Headline Measures

The Mayor is committed to measuring social integration in London. Providing evidence-based analysis of the state of social integration will allow him to shine a light on the whole...

Direct Access Audiology Waiting Times

Monthly collection of data covering those patients on a Direct Access audiology pathway. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

NI 130 - Social care clients and receiving self directed support (direct payments and individual budgets)

Adults, older people and carers receiving social care through a Direct Payment (and/or an Individual Budget) in the year to 31st March per 100,000 population aged 18 or over (age standardised), for...

NI 130 - Social care clients and receiving self directed support (direct payments and individual budgets)

Adults, older people and carers receiving social care through a Direct Payment (and/or an Individual Budget) in the year to 31st March per 100,000 population aged 18 or over (age standardised), for...

Integrated Household Survey

The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is the largest social survey ever produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The survey is comprised of a core suite of questions from current ONS...

Health Integration Authorities

Integration of health and social care is one of Scotland's major programmes of reform. Following the dissolution of Community Health Partnerships, the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act...

Direct payments: Aged 65+

Older people aged 65+ receiving direct payments Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...