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TPOs Individual

North Dorset District Council, TPOs Individual

Individual TPO zones

Polygon dataset of Southwark Council’s tree preservation order zones showing the ‘individual’ category

TPOs Individual

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the Local Planning Authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The prinicpal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the - cutting down, uprooting,...

TPOs Individual Open Data

Tree preservation orders on individual trees

Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Data on Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Tree Preservations Orders - Individual

Location of individual protected trees in Milton Keynes

Umbrella Bodies

This is a list of all Umbrella Bodies registered with AccessNI. An Umbrella Body can countersign applications on behalf of other organisations.

Water Body RNAGS Tamar

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Irwell

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Mole

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Tees

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Soar

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Dorset

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Tyne

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Welland

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Dove

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Medway

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Nene

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Witham

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body RNAGS Wear

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...