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Variable Message Signs

Variable Message Signs (VMS) in York. For further information about traffic management please visit the [City of York Council website]( *Please...

National Climatological Messages

Climate Observations

Hourly Climate messages

Observations for wind, soil temperature and radiation from Enhanced Synoptic Automatic Weather Station (ESAWS) not necessarily reported in real-time.

Messages in Bottles

Details of bottles recovered in the nineteenth century, referring to distressed vessels, recorded by Lloyd’s and in the British Press. Dataset extracted from the original PDF file using AI...

Grounds Maintenance

This dataset shows identified areas of grounds maintenance on Council owned land in Runnymede.

Burial Grounds in Highland

​List of all current and historical Burial Grounds within The Highland Council area. It includes all Council owned burial grounds as well as other burial grounds owned by private landowners/ local...

Filled Ground

Filled Ground sites are locations which have not been identifed as containing putresible waste, the individual record should be checked to ascertain whether this has been varified. The...

LIDAR Ground Truth Surveys

The Environment Agency LIDAR Ground Truth surveys dataset is an archive of elevation points and attribute information that have been independently surveyed to verify the accuracy of the EA's LIDAR...

Clackmannanshire - Cemeteries & Burial Grounds

The location of publically accessible Cemeteries & Burial Grounds within Clackmannanshire managed and maintained by the local authority

Allerdale Grounds Maintenance Data

Grounds Maintenance Ares recorded as polygon extents to show areas to be maintained by Allerdale Contractors for grass cutting, shrub and flower horticulture maintenance.

Parks and Recreation Grounds

Locations of areas managed as Recreation Grounds and Parks. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Affects of leakage on ground stability

This national digital GIS product produced by the British Geological Survey indicates the potential for leakage to have a negative effect on ground stability. It is largely derived from the digital...

ANSA Grounds Maintenance

This dataset is an indication of the various grounds maintenance areas managed by ANSA on behalf of Cheshire East Council. The dataset is created based on feedback from ground staff and is mapped...

Ansa Grounds Maintenance Site Boundaries

Simplified form of the Ansa Grounds Maintenance layer, which indicates the boundaries of land that Ansa maintains on behalf of Cheshire East Council

Harrogate District Sports And Recreation Grounds

Extent of open space comprising outdoor sports and recreation grounds in Harrogate District as polygons.

Grounds Maintenance for Breckland District Council

This dataset displays the various grounds maintenance areas managed by Breckland District Council. Grass areas, Flowerbeds, Hedges etc.

Sports Grounds Safety Authority Annual Report

The Sports Grounds Safety Authority’s Annual Report and Accounts, spanning the full financial year Authority (SGSA). The Report sets out how we operate, covering our goals, performance, corporate...

Seabed videos from transit between Fladen Grounds

Seabed videos from transits between Fladen Grounds SMPAs sites, during survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at the three Fladen Grounds pMPAs. The main aims were to confirm the...

Bunhill Fields Burial Ground Listed Structures & Memorials

Bunhill Fields Burial Ground Listed Structures & Memorials that the City Corporation are ressponsible for maintaining.

GeoSure ground stability data product version 8

BGS GeoSure identifies, at 1:50 000 scale, areas of susceptibility and considers the following specific hazard processes that can occur in Great Britain: 1. Shrink–Swell: Swelling clays change in...