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3,953 results found

Expenditure Transactions

Within its financial system, HSE holds transactional data in relation to expenditure it has incurred with organisations for the provision of goods and services. The information is collated into...

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Identified Residential Areas

Identified Residential Areas in the City Plan 2040

Bank transactions

GBCC - Bank transactions

Bank transactions

Wilton Park - Bank transactions

OS Linked Identifiers API

The OS Linked Identifiers API allows you to access the valuable relationships between properties, streets and OS MasterMap identifiers (TOIDs). Benefit from the valuable relationship found in OS...

UKAEA Transactions

Financial transactions of the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Published monthly.

Government Transactional Services

The government's transactional services range from booking driving tests and filing tax returns, to applying for a fishing rod licence and setting up a company: all services managed by public...

OS Open Linked Identifiers

OS Open Linked Identifiers provides authoritative relationship between UPRNs, USRNs, TOIDs and meta data to enable reliable matching; for greater data connectivity. Authoritative relationships OS...

AHRC GPC Transactions

A monthly-updated list of all GPC transactions, as part of the Goverment's commitment to transparency in expenditure. As AHRC does not currently use GPC we are including our corporate credit card...

Procurement card transactions

Procurement card transactions at Scarborough Borough Council.

Vendor Transaction Records

Vendor Transaction Records including Order details, payment history etc

Purchase Card Transactions

The reports in this section list all transaction on our Government Procurement Cards.

Income transaction data

The activities of HSE include chargeable services. HSE charges fees and charges for services provided on a full-cost basis to external customers. Within its financial system, HSE holds...

UK Property Transaction Statistics

Monthly estimates of the number of residential and non-residential property transactions in the UK and its constituent countries, with value £40,000 or above. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based...

ESRC All Transactions

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions made by ESRC as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Company identifiers (URIs)

Companies House has developed a new service to supply basic company details, using a simple Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for each company on our register. The URI is a unique web address that...

AHRC All Transactions

A monthly updated list of financial transactions in the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Procurement Card Transactions

This contains details of transactions that Leicester City Council makes using a Government Procurement Card.This data will be published quarterly.