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Hot Spots JAN 16

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Bathing water quality

This series is an amalgamation of all the data sets relating to the Bathing Water quality. This includes the survey 2011 previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information in...


Air Quality Management Areas: Areas within Bath & North East Somerset which exceed the Government-s air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide. Bath AQMA declared 1/11/1994 Latest...

Hot Sedimentary Aquifers - Scotland

Hot sedimentary aquifers are bodies of permeable rock that can conduct significant quantities of groundwater. These ‘hot wet rocks’ are a potential source of geothermal energy. Alongside other data...


Extents of bathing waters defined by The Scottish Government and SEPA as required by The Revised Bathing Waters Directive (2006/7/EC)


Extents of bathing waters defined by The Scottish Government and SEPA as required by The Revised Bathing Waters Directive (2006/7/EC)

Areas Affecting Bathing Waters

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA143. This dataset comprises a polygon relating to each site identified under the Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC); however these polygons have...

Bathing Waters ZOI Catchments

Bathing water zones of influence (ZOI) are defined as an area where if heavy rainfall occurs may lead to surface water runoff causing a reduction in water quality at a designated bathing water....

Areas Affecting Bathing Waters

This spatial dataset comprises of a polygon relating to each site identified under the Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC). These sites are drawn as a simple guide to aid the work of Natural...

Bathing Water Quality at Designated Beaches

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) monitors bathing water sites identified under EC Bathing Waters Directive 2006/7/EC in Wales. Samples are taken throughout the bathing season from May to the end of...

Hot Dry Rocks - Scotland

Hot dry rocks are a potential source of geothermal energy. In Scotland they are likely to exist as buried high heat production granites. Alongside other data from the Scotland Heat Map, information...

Sensitive Areas - Bathing Waters

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA250. This dataset is a shapefile showing the extent of UWWTD sensitive areas (bathing waters). The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...


SEPA Bathing Water Catchments - © SEPA. Some features of this information are based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology © NERC (CEH). Contains OS data © Crown...

Bathing_Waters (MapService)

This view service provides spatial data relating to Environmental Monitoring of Bathing Waters carried out by SEPA

Bathing Waters Monitoring Locations

The Environment Agency collects and analyses water samples each year from May to September, to ensure that designated bathing water sites on the coast and inland are safe and clean for swimming and...

Health risks of bathing waters: Links between gastrointestinal illness and marine bathing

The 2006/7/EC European Bathing Directive stipulates water quality classification standards for recreational bathing waters based on specified limits for Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIOs). Presence...

Plymouth Bathing Water Sites

Data showing the quality of Plymouth's three designated bathing water sites: Plymouth Hoe East, Plymouth Hoe West and Firestone Bay. Datasets are to be updated annually.

Bathing water surveys, mandatory standards 1988-2011

Bathing water surveys, mandatory standards 1988-2011 In 2011, all but 14 of the 597 coastal bathing waters in the UK met the mandatory (basic) standards of the European Bathing Water Directive.

Bathing Water

The Environment Agency collects water quality data each year from May to September, to ensure that designated bathing water sites on the coast and inland are safe and clean for swimming and other...

EC Bathing Waters Historic Compliance 1988 to 2013

This dataset is an archive of data relevant to the old Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) and won't be updated now the directive is no longer in force. For the latest bathing water quality...