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98 results found

Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Atlantic cod and European plaice in the North Sea and English Channel from 1996 to 2010 Derived from Data Storage Tags

This data is derived from the deployment of archival data storage tags (DST) on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags...

Horizontal and Vertical Movements of Atlantic cod and European plaice in the North Sea and English Channel from 1996 to 2010 Derived from Data Storage Tags

This data is derived from the deployment of archival data storage tags (DST) on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags...

Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006

This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the Southern North Sea on 25/03/2005 and was...

Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006

This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the Southern North Sea on 25/03/2005 and was...

Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the North Sea from 2001 to 2002

This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (*Gadus morhua*) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the North Sea on 03/04/2001 and was...

Jets and large-scale vortices in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection (NERC Grant NE/M017893/1)

Data extracted from simulations of Boussinesq convection in a rotating plane layer where the horizontal box sizes are unequal (Lx < Ly where the xy plane is horizontal). Data published in...

2017 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK (October to December 2017)

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from October...

3D GIA model output (King et al. 2016) (NERC grant NE/K009958/1)

Numerical model predictions of present-day horizontal deformation due to ongoing glacial isostatic adjustment processes at GPS sites across Antarctica. Model accounts for 3D spatial variations in...

CO2 Flow Metering

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. The experimental data was collected on a 1-inch bore gas-liquid two-phase CO2 flow rig in real time. The first column of the table is the time stamp. The second to...

Climate model data presented in manuscript "The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse" by Matero et al. (2017) NERC doctoral training grant NE/L002574/1

General circulation model (HadCM3) output of the study by Matero et al. (2017) “The 8.2 ka cooling event caused by Laurentide ice saddle collapse. Data has been processed into netCDF4 - timeseries,...

Bathymetric LiDAR for Red Bay

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Red Bay, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned in Caris...

Bathymetric LiDAR for small area of Strangford Lough

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Strangford Lough, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned...

2021 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

2021 data consists of high frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom (Location in...

2020 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

2020 data consists of high frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom (Location in...

2023 Heriot Watt University (The Lyell Centre) English Channel Size Selectivity (Total Shell Length) And Gear Trial on Whelk (Buccinum undatum) Pots/Traps

This data is part of a a paired size selectivity gear trial fishing control and test pots along commercial strings. Test pot designs included horizontal, vertical and round escape gaps, including...

UK Geomagnetic Observatory Hourly Mean Values.

Digital hourly mean values of the Geomagnetic field elements from Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Abinger and Hartland Observatories. Eskdalemuir data are available from 1911, Lerwick from 1926, Hartland...

2018 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2019 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2016 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

Geoelectric field maps of the UK from four large geomagnetic storms derived from thin-sheet model (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

This is a thin-sheet model of the regional geoelectric field covering the UK and Ireland, which is a combination of the response of the ground conductivity in a region with the spatial and temporal...