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        1,305 results found

        Gas safety - % of properties having valid Gas Safe registered gas certificates - (Snapshot)

        Gas safety - % of properties having valid Gas Safe registered gas certificates - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued

        Gas Works

        This layer includes gas works and gas holders. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current of historic uses.

        Gas usage

        Wilton Park - Units of gas used

        Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions

        Summary statistics on geenhouse gas emissions for the period 1990-2007 Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

        Liquefied Petroleum Gas

        Used to record surveys of Liquefied Petroleum Gas buried pipework (non-residential) to inform a schedule of replacement for HSE and industry. Number of records in dataset – 5078. Dataset contains...

        Historical gas data: gas production and consumption and fuel input

        Historical gas data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

        Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

        Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

        Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

        Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

        Post-exploration monitoring of soil gas results on Polish shale gas sites

        The dataset contains details of field collection of soil gas samples with use of Supel Inert Foil gas sampling bags and the results of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide measurements performed within...

        Pipelines, Gas - Craven District Council

        High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines. Data supplied by National Grid & Northern Gas Networks.

        Sub-national gas consumption

        Statistics on the consumption of gas broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

        QICS Paper: Passive acoustic quantification of gas fluxes during controlled gas release experiments

        The detection and quantification of an underwater gas release are becoming increasingly important for oceanographic and industrial applications. Whilst the detection of each individual bubble...

        National Gas Transmission Network - Scotland

        This dataset contains data provided by National Gas and is the gas transmission network data only covering Scotland. This data is supplied on a best-effort basis only and is for indicative...

        Northern Ireland Greenhouse Gas Inventory

        This is a bulletin report which outlines the key Northern Ireland figures from the 'Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland'. Source agency: Environment...

        SGN gas network - Scotland

        SGN create 4 separate data layers (by pressure tier) to depict the location of their gas network: LP - Low Pressure (19 mbar - 75 mbar) MP - Medium Pressure (75mbar - 2 bar) IP...

        Schools Gas Oil - Activity (l)

        Schools Gas Oil - Activity (l)

        Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Postcodes not on the gas network

        This spreadsheet contains a list of postcodes where Xoserve holds no record of a gas connection by either large or small gas transporters. This data was produced using Xoserve's list of off-gas...

        Electricity and gas consumption

        Domestic and industrial consumption of electricity and gas Source: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) Publisher: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory...