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        Dewaterability potential of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends using polymer dose approach

        The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer...

        Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage

        The dataset contains the chemical compositional changes occurred in anaerobic digestate, with and without biomass ash, simulating storage conditions during 128 days. Additionally, Sulphuric Acid...

        Adverse drug reactions (Yellow card scheme)

        adverse incidents involving prescription medicines, vaccines, over the counter medicines and herbal remedies. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis...

        Occurrence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in foods collected in 2014

        A range of samples were collected between February and March 2014 as part of a survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency. Samples of tea, herbal infusions, plant based food supplements and...

        Hydraulic and hydrological data from surface and subsurface soils across the Thames catchment, UK, 2021

        This dataset contains information about surface and sub-surface hydraulic and hydrological soil properties across the Thames (UK) catchment. Soil dry bulk density, estimated soil porosity, soil...

        Soil near-surface properties, vegetation observations, land use and land management information for 1800 locations across the Thames catchment, UK, 2018-2021

        This dataset contains information about soil near-surface physical and hydrological properties, vegetation observations and land use & management information across the Thames catchment (UK)....

        Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register Part One 2022

        Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...

        Woking Borough Council Brownfield Land Register - Part One 2021

        Woking Borough Council's Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) comprises all brownfield sites that the Council has assessed as being appropriate for residential development. All sites included on Part...