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23 results found

UK Nematode Checklist

A checklist of all plant-parasitic and selected other nematodes recorded present in the UK. The Food and Environment Research Agency is no longer a government agency. On 1st April 2015 Defra sold...

National Audit of Dementia Round 3 Organisational Checklist England and Wales

Organisational data submitted by hospitals in the third round of the National Audit of Dementia (2016-17). The data were measured against a checklist of standards which relate to hospitals' systems...

World Checklist of Selected Plant Families - WCSP

Taxonomic data on 155 families of seed plants including the accepted name. Geographical distribution and life form

Spotlight audit in community-based memory assessment services (2023/2024) organisational checklist data

The data were first published in 2024 in the National Audit of Dementia Spotlight Audit in Memory Assessment Services 2023/2024 Report. This is available at:...

The Plant List - TPL

a working list of known plant species containing information from WCSP (World Checklist of Selected Plant Families) and IPNI (International Plant Names Index) and information from seven other...

National Audit of Dementia Round 3 Casenote Audit England and Wales

Case note audit data submitted by individual hospitals in the third round of the National Audit of Dementia (2016-17). The data were measured against a checklist of standards that relate to...

Exploring how to measure social integration using digital and online data

As part of the Mayor's Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, one of the commitments was to develop a more comprehensive set of measures for social integration and to carry out...

Species Distribution - A verified distribution model for the lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus)

The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key component of the North East Atlantic ecosystem but little is known about its distribution outside of fished areas. In this study, species distribution...

Habitat point records from 1987 Foster-Smith/Foster-Smith Beadnell to Dunstanburgh (Northumberland) littoral survey

1. This survey of the littoral and sublittoral habitats between Anstead Rocks and Dunstanburgh Castle, in Northumberland, has been designed to provide marine biologocal information for an assesment...

Species point records from 1987 Foster-Smith/Foster-Smith Beadnell to Dunstanburgh (Northumberland) littoral survey

1. This survey of the littoral and sublittoral habitats between Anstead Rocks and Dunstanburgh Castle, in Northumberland, has been designed to provide marine biologocal information for an assesment...

A taxonomic, genetic and ecological data resource for the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

The dataset contains a current inventory of vascular plant species and their attributes present in the flora of Britain and Ireland. The species list is based on the most recent key to the flora of...

Sanitary risk inspections of shallow wells, boreholes and springs in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

This dataset contains the results of a sanitary risk inspection for different groundwater sources in Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 70 groundwater sources were surveyed between February and March 2014....

National Audit of Dementia Case Note Audit Data 2012

This dataset comprises the case note audit data submitted by hospitals that participated in second round of the National Audit of Dementia 2012-13. The audit was open to all general hospitals in...

River Macrophytes Database

The JNCC River Macrophytes Database (RMD) is a Microsoft Access database constructed to house data on the plant communities of rivers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. An extract in Excel...

Conservation measures for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset lists conservation measures that were taken (i.e. which are already being implemented) for the species during the 2008-2012 reporting period. This information formed part of the Tenth...

1802 - 2003 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Algal records from Biological Records Centre from various sources.

In September 2003 all the Dorset records from the Marine Algae Recording Scheme Database of the British Phycological Society (held at the Biological Records Centre - CEH Monks Wood) were extracted...

1802 - 2003 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Algal records from Biological Records Centre from various sources.

In September 2003 all the Dorset records from the Marine Algae Recording Scheme Database of the British Phycological Society (held at the Biological Records Centre - CEH Monks Wood) were extracted...

Habitat point records from 1979 SWBSS Tintagel Head to the Devon border survey

This report describes the range of sublittoral habitats and communities of plants and animals encountered during surveys along the 45 km of coast from Tintagel Head to the Devon border. The survey...

Species point records from 1979 SWBSS Tintagel Head to the Devon border survey

This report describes the range of sublittoral habitats and communities of plants and animals encountered during surveys along the 45 km of coast from Tintagel Head to the Devon border. The survey...

Habitat point records from 1982 MBNE Farne Islands sublittoral survey

This report, commisioned by the NCC, outlines the findings of the first year's pilot survey of a three year comprehensive survey of the marine fauna of the Farne Islands being carried out by Marine...