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3 results found

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2002/2: North Hatton Bank and North Rockall Basin (11/07/2002 to 31/07/2002)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in July 2002 in the northern Rockall Trough and the northern end of Hatton Bank on board the RRS James Clark Ross (Cruise...

Map based index (GeoIndex) gravity anomalies

This low-resolution image has been produced from BGS land and marine gravity data. The colour was generated using the BGS COLMAP software package. Colour levels are defined by histogram...

Leading linear growth rates for steady uniform morphodynamic overland flows at different Froude numbers and grain diameters (NERC Grant NE/S00274X/1)

Shallow overland flows in steady state can become unstable and break up into destructive surges. The following data documents maximum growth rates for disturbances to uniform steady flows on a...