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135 results found

Leading linear growth rates for steady uniform morphodynamic overland flows at different Froude numbers and grain diameters (NERC Grant NE/S00274X/1)

Shallow overland flows in steady state can become unstable and break up into destructive surges. The following data documents maximum growth rates for disturbances to uniform steady flows on a...

X-ray Microtomography of Intermittency in Multiphase Flow at Steady State Using a Differential Imaging Method

The images in this dataset are a sample of Bentheimer Sandstone from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 6.00µm. We imaged the steady state flow of brine...

Towards more flexible power generation with CCS (C2-214) – Dynamic and steady-state data from UKCCSRC PACT amine pilot, Aug 2016.

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-214 . The dataset consists of six excel spreadsheets containing data from six dynamic operating scenarios for post-combustion CO2 capture on coal, implemented at the...

Methane ebullition from two lowland floodplain fens

This dataset includes measurements of methane fluxes from two lowland floodplain fen sites in East Anglia, UK under conservation management (Sutton and Strumpshaw Fens). The data were collected on...

UK's Carbon Footprint 1990 to 2009

Latest data on the UK’s carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint shows a continuation of the decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. Between 2008 and 2009, the UK’s carbon dioxide footprint fell by 9 per...

Flood Storage Areas

Flood Storage Areas show those areas that act as a balancing reservoir, storage basin or balancing pond. Their purpose is to attenuate an incoming flood peak to a flow level that can be...

Flood defences

This record is for Approval for Access (AfA) product AfA006. This dataset shows, flood defences protecting against river floods with a 1 per cent (1 in 100) chance of happening each year, or sea...

Flood Defences without Standardised Attributes

This dataset shows flood defences that have been built to protect against flooding from rivers and the sea. The defences shown provide different levels of flood protection and this is...

Spatial Flood Defences with Standardised Attributes

This dataset shows flood defences that have been built to protect against flooding from rivers and the sea. The defences shown provide different levels of flood protection and this is...

Synthetic and experimental friction data processed with steadystate.m

This dataset contains raw data from synthetic and experimental velocity steps analyzed using the MATLAB routine ‘steadystate.m’, as presented by Giacomel, P., Faulkner, D.R., Lambert, V., Allen,...

Rail Noise - All Metrics - England Round 4

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of rail sources across England. - The day-evening-night level (Lden) is a noise indicator for overall annoyance based...

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melt (NERC Grant NE/S01134X/1)

Free energy calculations of noble-gas containing liquid iron and silicate melts at 50 GPa (3500 K) and 135 GPa (4200 K). The chemical potentials of noble gases can be obtained from these...

Patient safety incidents reported (formerly indicators 5a, 5b and 5.4) (NHSOF 5.6)

The number of patient safety incidents reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by provider organisations, per 100,000 population. A patient safety incident is defined as ‘any...

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2019/20

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2019/20 This Statistical Bulletin is the annual first release of Graduate Outcomes survey data. These experimental statistics cover UK higher...

2012-2013 University of Southampton Poole Harbour Crassostrea gigas transect and settlement panel records

The work carried out so far highlights Poole Harbour as being an anomaly in the apparent steady progressive development of Pacific oyster populations around the coast, in that there is an obvious...

GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates (COPD)

A dataset providing GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a serious long-term lung disease in which the flow of air into the...

Pore-scale dynamics and the multiphase Darcy law

A pore-scale experimental investigation of microscopic steady-state flow during co-injection from very low to high flow rates in the pore space of a sandstone is applied using 4D synchrotron X-ray...

Relative Permeability and Flow Intermittency Measurements Using X-Ray Micro-tomography in a Complex Microporous Carbonate

We imaged the steady-state flow of brine and decane at different fractional flows during dual injection in a micro-porous limestone using X-ray micro-tomography. We applied differential imaging on...

World Seismicity Database

This dataset contains parametric data (epicentre, magnitude, depth, etc) for over one million earthquakes worldwide. The dataset has been compiled gradually over a period of thirty years from...

EPSRC grant EP/L012227/1 - Estaillades Carbonate

EPSRC grant EP/L012227/1: Development of Unified Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Predict Reactive Transport in Subsurface Porous Media. The effect of pore-scale heterogeneity on non-Darcy...