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Open Central Government Websites

Number of and list of central government open websites.

UK Central Government Procurement Spend

Spend by the public sector on goods and services taken from the Office of Government Commerce's Public Sector Procurement Expenditure Survey. This is a survey of central government organisations'...

Central Government Websites 2009/10

Costs, usage, quality, accessibility, availability and standards compliance data for central government department-run websites in the 2009-10 financial year.

Business Plans for central government departments

This data allows the public to track the Government's progress in implementing the reforms set out in the 2012-15 Business Plans. The web page provides graphs of progress and lists of recently...

Central and Local Government Unregistered Land

A list of central and local government land in England, which may not be registered with HM Land Registry (HMLR). HMLR has created this dataset for the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local...

Central government workforce initial release

An initial estimate of the numbers of consultants, contractors and agency staff working in central Government departments, their agencies and NDPBs. This is the result of a Cabinet Office scoping...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis 2009 - Central government own expenditure

PESA 2009 chapter 6 provides analyses of central government own spending against . I.e. central government spending that is not provided to local government or public corporations.

Central Government carbon footprint, 1990 to 2008

In 2008, the carbon footprint of Central government was approximately 65 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e), an increase of 12 per cent since 2000. Carbon emissions peaked in 2004 at almost 70...

The single data list for central government departments

The Single Data List catalogues all the data that local authorities are required to submit to central government departments in a given year.

Freedom of Information Act: Statistics on Implementation in Central Government

Statistical returns from central government monitored bodies

Central government websites 2011/12

The 2011/12 report covers websites run by ministerial and non‑ministerial government departments as well as their executive agencies, non‑departmental public bodies and other arm’s‑length public...

Central Government Websites 2010/11

Costs, usage, quality, accessibility, availability and standards compliance data for websites run by ministerial and non‑ministerial government departments as well as their executive agencies,...

Freedom of Information Act 2000: statistics on implementation in central government

Quarterly statistical releases on the handling of requests for information made under the Act by 43 central government bodies, including all departments of state. Figures are derived from manual...

Freedom of Information Act 2000: Annual statistics on implementation in central government

Statistics on the handling of requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act by 43 central government bodies, including all departments of state. The annual statistics cover...

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Central Government ICT Contracts over £10,000

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority will -as part of the transparency agenda - publish central government ICT contracts over the value of £10,000 (from July 2010).

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Central Government Tender Documents over £10,000

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority will -as part of the transparency agenda - publish all new central government tender documents over the value of £10,000 (from September 2010).

Central Government, Welsh Ministers and Local Government including Property and Land

Data files from e-PIMS, Government's Property and Land asset database containing details of location, tenure and other key attributes for each asset. It includes details about the buildings, any...

Listing of publishable central government tender documentation for tenders over £10,000

The Contracts Finder site contains the listing of publishable central government tender and contract information and documentation. This applies for all procurement over £10,000. The published...

Central Government Property and Land including Welsh Ministers estate.

NB Since June 2016, this quarterly series of extracts of the database is discontinued and is superseded by daily extracts found at: Data files from...

Central Activities Zone

showing boundary of area defined in London Plan as containing a cluster of vitally important activities including central government offices, headquarters and embassies, the largest...