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3 results found

Processes governing semi-metal - PGE linkage in crustal magmatic systems: opportunities for discovery and recovery (NERC grant NE/L002191/1)

Publications linked to the Grant: Holwell DA, Keays RR, McDonald I and Williams MR. 2015. Extreme Enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of...

Energy Use on Farms; Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover the physical quantities of inputs used on farm as well as the extent of farming practices such as use of contractors, minimal tillage and ploughing of grassland. Source agency:...

Modelled estimates of recent births

Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication...