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Business cases to increase Recommended Funding Limit

Business cases to increase providers Recommended Funding Limit

Coronavirus business grant funding by parliamentary constituency and local authority

Data on the number and value of grants to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The spreadsheet shows the total amount of money that each local authority...

Coronavirus (Covid 19) grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. The datasets cover schemes managed by local authorities: Additional...

Impact Readiness Fund

This was a new £1.5 million pilot fund managed by the Social Investment Business for the Cabinet Office that offered grants and support to social ventures to understand and improve their social...

Sector Mentoring Challenge Fund

This data set supports figure 1 and figure 2 in the Sector Mentoring Challenge Fund prospectus and is taken from the Small Business Survey 2012: SME employers.

Skills Funding Agency Procurement Contracts

Link to the Skills Funding Agency procurement contracts as published to the Contracts Finder on Business Link.

London Business Demography Report

London Business Demography Report Aston University have carried out research into London’s business demographics to support the development of the London Enterprise Panel’s [Jobs and Growth...

Funding Allocations for institutions

We hold Academic Year funding allocations for all educational institutions in England delivering to 16-19 year olds including academies. Since 2011/12 these allocations are calculated and held in...

Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Data

This data shows grants made by the Investment and Contract Readiness Fund into high growth potential social ventures. The Investment and Contract Readiness Fund paid for business support to help...

London Business Survey 2014 - Business Profile

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Business Rates - Small Business Rate Relief

Properties receiving Small Business Rate Relief, either at the maximum amount or on the tapered relief for qualifying properties with Rateable Values (RV) between £12,000 and £17,000. Includes:...

Wycombe business rate relief small business

Businesses in the Wycombe district in receipt of small business relief.

Covid-19 - Business Support Grants

The data published shows the different Covid-19 business support grants paid to eligible businesses and charities by Leicester City Council. The grants were funded by the UK Government.In line with...

Business Demography

Business demography data counts numbers of active businesses with turnover or employment in a reporting year. It also indicates numbers of new businesses (business births) and numbers of...

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.

London Plan Business Improvement Districts

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a defined area within which local businesses are required to pay an additional levy. The collected tax will be invested locally to fund projects within the...

Social Action Fund grant recipients 2011-2013

The Social Action Fund has been created to support the Government’s vision for a Big Society by funding proposals that will embed long term increases in giving either: •time - volunteering,...


Info for and about businesses and workers in the borough

Barnet Pension Fund - Alternative and Private Funds

Information about Barnet Council's Pension Alternative and Private Funds - names and vintage years of private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt, infrastructure...

Business rates

Information on all business who pay business rates in Leeds. Information includes business name, rateable value and full postal address. For a visualisation of the information contained in this...