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53 results found

Non Freezing Cold Injury

A database of all recruits seen at ARTD with non freezing cold injuries.

No cold-calling zones

No cold-calling zones within the Bristol boundary.No cold-calling zones aim to deter uninvited doorstep traders from calling at houses within the zone.

No Cold Calling Zones

A no cold calling zone is a designated area where the resident community declare they no longer wish to accept traders calling at their home without an appointment. The zone is designated via the...

Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

Cold Calling Controlled Zones

Cold Calling Controlled Zones in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Marine Heatwaves and Cold Spells: Dataset and Methods

Cefas Data Cube Viewer which can be accessed here: ``_ This portal contains Ostia Marine Heatwaves (MHW) and Cold Spells (MCS) dataset between 2020-present. There...

2009 Defra MB0102 2C Distribution of cold water coral reefs (from point data) in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

This layer shows the distribution of point records of cold water coral reefs, an OSPAR and Biodiversity Action Plan Habitat. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for...

Priority 1 Gritting Routes

Gritting is the spreading of rock salt on the highway to prevent it freezing in cold weather. We grit the highway to help minimise travel disruption and keep the flow of traffic moving along.More...

Priority 2 Gritting Routes

Gritting is the spreading of rock salt on the highway to prevent it freezing in cold weather. We grit the highway to help minimise travel disruption and keep the flow of traffic moving along.More...

National Archives - Exceptions to moratoria

The exceptions to the spending freeze for The National Archives from July 2010

Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets

These are a consolidated list of asset freeze targets (both individuals and companies) designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to current...

Photosynthetic-CO2 response curves at different leaf temperatures in tropical montane rainforest tree species from Colombian Andes, 2022

This dataset contains information about temperature response curves of ACi (i.e., CO2 response curves of net photosynthesis) that were collected on Colombian Andean forests tree species that were...

Non-inhabited listed buildings on the MOD UK estate

Non-inhabited listed buildings on the MOD estate, which includes listed structures such as milestones and pill boxes. The data is from the UK. The date range lies between c. 1300 (for some Medieval...

Council Tax Requirement

This dataset shows the total amount of council tax income that each authority has budgeted to use in the forthcoming financial year. It shows the amounts charged to a Band D property, the taxbase,...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Technical Report - Hydrography (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and describes the...

Physical, chemical and biological properties of European grassland soils subjected to laboratory climatic disturbance

This dataset comprises soil and environmental data for multiple European grassland soil samples which had been subjected to multiple climatic disturbances in the laboratory (including temporal...

Datasets from Financial Abuse of Older People in Northern Ireland: The Unsettling Truth

Data generated from interviews about Financial Abuse, with 1,025 older people aged 60 or over, in the respondents home between 27th January and 2nd March 2016. The survey asked 50+ questions, of...

Performance data on Government ICT projects (31 July 2010)

A spreadsheet of details on Government ICT projects as at 31 July 2010 and valued at over £1million. Departments own the data. ERG collated the data. All the data is published apart from that...

UKCP09: Gridded Datasets of Annual values of Winter (Novemberember-Aprilil) coldwave duration (days)

UKCP09: Gridded datasets of annual values. The day-by-day sum of the mean number of degrees by which the air temperature is more than a value of 22 °C As summer cold wave, but for...