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433 results found

Formulations Research and Development

Development & validation of methods of analysis for pesticide formulations

Chemicals Regulation Directorate Memorandum of Understanding (CRD MOU) 5 Formulation

Monitoring of formulated pesticides products for compliance with specifications.

Data Supporting Research Into VCSE readyness for social investment

This is the dataset that was used to formulate the research report. Investment Readiness in the UK.

Plant Protection Product information

A number of databases that hold details of information on around 7000 Plant Protection Products that have held an authorisation for use and those with On-Label authorisations since 1998. For all...

PCNPA Landscape Character Areas

This study was commissioned by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority in 2006, working in partnership with the former Countryside Council for Wales. The study encompasses all of the area...

1997 Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) UK distribution of non-native species records

The study reported here was undertaken to collate details and review information about introductions of marine fauna and flora to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). The focus of this...

1997 Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) UK distribution of non-native species records

The study reported here was undertaken to collate details and review information about introductions of marine fauna and flora to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). The focus of this...

Devon Character Areas

Devon Character Areas are areas of landscape in Devon that people recognise as distinct from others with a unique identity. They form one of the tiers of information within Devon's landscape...

RV DISCOVERY 200/1993 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

RV DISCOVERY 207/1994 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

RV DISCOVERY 200/1993 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

RV DISCOVERY 207/1994 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

RV ENDEAVOUR 08/2008 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 17/2007 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV CORYSTES 11/2003 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 19/2007 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 15/2008 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 08/2007 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abyssal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 19/2007 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abysal Plain. Data were collected using the...

RV ENDEAVOUR 05/2009 High Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. They broadly cover the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abyssal Plain. Data were collected using the...