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Schools National Funding Formula Consultation January 2018

City of York Council's proposals for a revised local funding formula - as per Department for Education's (DfE) new national Funding Formula (NFF) for schools and local authorities, following...

Price Adjustment Formulae for Construction Contracts

Used in conjunction with the formulae price adjustment method of adjusting building and civil and specialist engineering contracts. These statistics are now produced by BCIS and can be found on...

International Comparison of the Formula Effect Between the CPI and RPI

There are a number of differences between the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Retail Prices Index (RPI), including their coverage, population base, commodity measurement and methods of...

NHSScotland NHS Board revenue budget target shares calculated using the new Resource Allocation formula (NRAC)

Results of the Resource Allocation formula developed by the National Resource Allocation Committee (NRAC) to calculate annual target shares Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Introducing the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation

This article describes the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation. RPIJ is a Retail Prices Index (RPI) based measure that will use a geometric (Jevons) formula in place of one type of...

Area Based Grants

Area Based Grant is a general grant allocated directly to local authorities as additional revenue funding to areas. It is allocated according to specific policy criteria rather than general...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

Population Estimates for Super Output Areas (SOAs) and former Electoral Wards, Northern Ireland

Population estimates relate to the population as of __30th June__ each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. They are used to allocate public funds to the Northern...

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis. Source: Hospital...

Population Estimates for Northern Ireland

Population estimates relate to the population as of 30th June each year, and therefore are often referred to as mid-year estimates. They are used to allocate public funds to the Northern Ireland...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

NI 053 Prevalence of breast-feeding at 6-8 weeks from birth

Percentage of infants being breastfed at 6-8 weeks. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District...

Child Maintenance Appeals

The Appeals Tracking System is a small system used to assist the tracking of child maintenance appeals, Advanced Departures and Advanced Variations. Decision Appeals - Only specific decisions may...

GLA Population Projections - Custom Age Tables

This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas...

Moment release and associated volume change from a collection of injection- and intrusion-induced seismicity cases (NERC Grant NE/R018006/1)

"This data was compiled for the paper "Self-similarity of seismic moment release to volume change scaling for volcanoes: a comparison with injection-induced seismicity", that has been accepted for...

Input indicator: bonus grant per dwelling

This is the Total New Homes Bonus grant payable for a financial year, divided by number of dwellings rewarded. Calculations are available separately for shire areas, metropolitan areas and...

Infant Feeding Survey - 2010

Note: Following further validation, a couple of changes were needed which meant some findings previously reported in the Infant Feeding Survey 2010: Early Results publication were reported as...

Input indicator: local authority funding from government grant

This indicator is the reported local authority income from central government grants as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure, using the relevant lines from Revenue Summary returns. #### How the...

Input indicator: total new homes bonus grant

Total new homes bonus grant payable per year #### How the figure is calculated: For 2013-14: total grant payable equals the total payment for the current year and for 2012-13 and 2011-12...

ONS Mid-Year Population Estimates - Custom Age Tables

**Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and...