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        2,471 results found

        Formation of 2-alkyl cyclobutanones

        Literature review and practical investigation into the potential formation of 2-alkyl cyclobutanones in non-irradiated food

        Regional Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

        Estimates of sub-regional (NUTS2) Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current purchasers' prices by NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 areas, 1998 to 2000. Estimates were not produced for subsequent...

        Faults for the Permian hot sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and the Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This vector dataset compiles the vertical and non-vertical faults for the Permian hot sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation, CS) and the Worcester (Bridgnorth...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: isopach map for the Permian sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This raster dataset represents the modelled thickness in metres of the Permian and lower Triassic sandstones in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation, CS) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: depth to the base Permian in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This raster dataset represents the modelled depth in metres to the base of the Permo-Triassic in the Worcester and Cheshire basins, considered for their hot sedimentary aquifer geothermal resource...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: theoretical potential 'identified resources' (recoverable heat) for the Permian sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This raster dataset represents the distribution of the theoretical potential calculated 'identified resources' (in GJ/m2 or PJ/km2) for the hot sedimentary aquifers in Permian formations in the...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: temperature at the base Permian in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This raster dataset represents the calculated temperature distribution (°C) at the base of the Permo-Triassic (PT) in the Cheshire and Worcester basins, considered for their hot sedimentary aquifer...

        Which spatial dataset format should I use?

        A .docx and .odt showing what the different acronyms mean for BFE, BFC, BGC, BSC, BUC, GRE, BGG.

        UK Benthic Marine Animal Reference Image Dataset in SMaRTaR-ID format

        A set of reference images for UK benthic marine taxa created by merging individual project reference image guides into a single reference image collection. This was a rapid merging exercise and no...

        Faults for the Fell Sandstone Formation in the Northumberland-Solway Basin (Carboniferous hot sedimentary aquifer resources)

        This vector dataset represents the vertical faults for the Fell Sandstone Formation (base Middle Border Group) in the Northumberland-Solway Basin (Carboniferous hot sedimentary aquifer resources).

        Triaxial compressive strength tests on 'Comiso' Limestone (Ragusa Formation; Sicily, Italy) samples

        This dataset contains raw experimental triaxial testing data as outlined in "Castagna, A., Ougier‐Simonin, A., Benson, P. M., Browning, J., Walker, R. J., Fazio, M., & Vinciguerra, S. (2018)....

        Phosphite and phosphate adsorption fractions on experimental iron oxides in natural banded iron formations

        The data include measurements of adsorption experiments, where the adsorption fraction of phosphite and phosphate on experimentally-prepared ferric iron oxides were measured. The amounts of...

        High temperature and acoustic emissions experimental data on 'Comiso' Limestone (Ragusa Formation; Sicily, Italy)

        This dataset contains raw experimental high temperature and acoustic emission testing data on ‘Comiso’ limestone samples as outlined in "Castagna, A., Ougier-Simonin, A., Benson, P. M., Browning,...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: theoretical potential 'heat-in-place' ('geothermal resources' in Rollin et al.,1995) for Permian sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire (Collyhurst Sandstone Formation) and Worcester (Bridgnorth Sandstone Formation) basins

        This raster dataset represents the distribution of the estimated, theoretical potential 'geothermal resources' (in GJ/m2 or PJ/km2) for the Permo-Triassic sedimentary aquifers in the Cheshire and...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: temperature in the Fell Sandstone Formation in the Northumberland-Solway Basin (Carboniferous hot sedimentary aquifer resources)

        This raster dataset represents the temperature distribution in the Carboniferous Fell Sandstone Formation (Mid Border Group), at the mid reservoir depth, in the Northumberland-Solway Basin. The...

        Legacy BGS geothermal models: isopach map for the Fell Sandstone Formation in the Northumberland-Solway Basin (Carboniferous hot sedimentary aquifer resources)

        This raster dataset represents the thickness in metres of the Carboniferous Fell Sandstone Formation (Mid Border Group) in the Northumberland-Solway Basin. The maps are provided in raster format at...

        UK Ramsar Information Sheets – all details in structured spreadsheet format

        Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This spreadsheet contains all of the information within Ramsar Information Sheets for all designated...

        Mesoproterozoic Diabaig Formation, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and metal abundances (NERC grant NE/V010824/1)

        Organic carbon and nitrogen and bulk nitrogen isotope data and metal abundance data for siltstones and shales of the Mesoproterozoic Diabaig Formation. For a detailed description and...

        Ultrasonic Shear Wave Velocity and Attenuation during methane hydrate formation in water saturated sandstone (NERC Grant NE/J020753/1)

        This dataset is of laboratory ultrasonic shear wave measurements during methane hydrate formation in water saturated Berea sandstone using pulse echo method. We formed methane hydrate and took...

        AGS data: Site investigation data received by GSNI from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format

        Site investigation and geotechnical data received by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format. This data has been collected under the...