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        944 results found


        This is a polygon dataset that shows Formal Recreation areas as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

        Education and Training in England: Formal First Steps

        Formal First Steps education and training data in England. The data shows participation by learner demographics and subject area. Formal First Steps (FFS) is a short episode of learning designed...

        Formal Complaints about the Food Standards Agency

        Complaints about the Food Standards Agency handled under stage 1 to 3 of the formal complaints process.

        Solicitors Contract meetings

        Meeting Minutes from monthly CM meetings with Sols. Updated: monthly.

        Solicitors Contract meetings

        Meeting Minutes from monthly CM meetings with Sols. Updated: monthly.

        NI 118 - Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

        Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

        Meetings With External Organisations

        Details of meetings with external organisations (inclusing meetings with newspaper and other media proprietors, editors and senior executives)

        WCC Committee Meetings

        Includes details of the committee, the type of meeting, the location and the date.

        % of Reviews that result in reduced level of formal care & support - (Rolling 12 Months)

        % of Reviews that result in reduced level of formal care & support - (Rolling 12 Months)

        NI 118 Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

        Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary...

        Records of meetings

        Agendas, minutes, papers etc for meetings including Judicial Executive Board, Judges’ Council, Judicial College Executive Board and Advisory Council

        PUS Meetings with external organisations

        Details of the Permanent Under Secretary's meetings with external organisations (including meetings with proprietors, editors and senor media executives.)

        Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2014

        Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 15 grab samples collected at Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone on the 13th March 2014 The data were...

        Meetings with media organisations

        This list sets out the Secretary of State’s meetings with senior media executives for the period May 2010-July 2011. This includes all meetings with proprietors, senior executives and editors of...

        Bristol City Council Committee Meetings

        Bristol City Council committee meetings.

        Ministerial meetings with outside interest groups

        Meetings with external organisations (including meetings with newspapers and other media proprietors, editors and senior executives) - October - December 2011

        HMRC Senior Officials' Meetings Data

        This is a collection and collation page for an element of HMRC's Senior Officials Transparency publications published on GOV.UK. For permanent secretaries' meetings data prior to 2024, go to...

        Airports Commission meetings with stakeholders

        Meeting and visits listing between Airports Commission members and stakeholders since September 2012.

        Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Data

        Two surveys of Runnel Stone (Formally Lands End) rMCZ site have been completed to date (Apr 2015): Cruise: EA_wgdn0112 Date: 12th - 13th Mar 2013 Data collected: MB Bathymetry Coverage...

        DWP Permanent Secretary meetings with external organisations

        Meetings between the DWP Permanent Secretary and external organisations, including the date and purpose of meeting