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1,270 results found

Recorded Crime and Offences Involving Firearms, Scotland

Crimes and offences in which a firearm was alleged to have been used or stolen over the past decade at police force and Scotland level. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Forced Marriage Protection Orders

Database of all Forced Marriage Protection Order cases in family courts. Details include name, sex and address of applicant, personal details of third parties, details of solicitors involved (if...

Deaths involving MRSA

Deaths where meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available from 1993...

Local Authority Licensing of Activities involving Animals returns

The release summarises local authority activity in relation to the licensing of activities involving animals. It includes the number of licences in force per activity, as well as the average fees...

Deaths involving Clostridium difficile

Deaths where Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available for 1999 and for 2001...

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Mergers & Acquisitions involving UK companies

This survey measures estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies (inward, outward and domestic) with values of £1.0 million or greater....

Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies

Latest data on domestic and overseas acquisitions, disposals and mergers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mergers...

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Annual returns for research involving human embryos

Annual return of data from centres who have research projects that involve the use of human embryos

Police Force

Details of the Cambridgeshire Constabulary Police Force Data taken from

Forced Marriage statistics

Information on the number of cases reported to the government’s Forced Marriage Unit via its public helpline and email inbox during a particular calendar year. The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a...

Police use of force

Statistics on incidents where police officers use force; including type of force, reason, outcome, injuries, and subject information (such as age, gender).

Children in Need with Open Involvements

Data showing Children in Need who have social work involvement by Ward. A child is a Child in Need if they are unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development without...

Armed Forces List 2013

The Armed Forces lists are lists of military officers serving in the British Armed Forces during 2013 broken down by service. The lists include the name, rank, number, post nominals, seniority date...

Armed Forces Psychiatric Morbidity Report

Statistics on psychiatric morbidity in the Armed Forces. As of 31 March 2010, this report will be published under the new title of 'Armed Forces Mental Health Report' Source agency:...

Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

Compensation claims and payments for injury, illness or death caused by service in the UK armed forces. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Children in Need with Open Involvements 2015-16

Data showing Children in Need who have social work involvement 2015-16 by Ward. A child is a Child in Need if they are unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development...

Armed forces population (2001 Census)

All people employed in the armed forces by whether they live in households or communal establishments Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District...

Police Force Boundaries - England and Wales

A KML version of the Police Force boundaries in England and Wales. Each of the 44 police forces (e.g. Avon & Somerset, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire) has a KML file containing a single polygon...