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RAPID-WATCH VALOR project investigated how the inclusion of RAPID-WATCH observations into the 'initial conditions', used to start climate model simulations, can refine predictions of the future...
This dataset contains modelled ammonia recapture by shelterbelts downwind of an ammonia source. The runs were located in the UK with ten years of averaged meteorological data for the different...
Datasets consists of the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow simulations for a section of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. The aim of these CFD simulations was to investigate...
Aqueous amine scrubbing was originally developed for natural gas treatment and is currently considered to be the current best available technology for post-combustion capture (PCC) of CO2 from both...
The data set contains details of all environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued in the London Borough of Barnet since Feb 2019 - date under the Kingdom Services...