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        Paternity of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover

        This dataset details the paternity of progeny from Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the Hillesden estate,...

        The seed set of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced into habitats comprising different floral cover

        This dataset contains seed counts of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to form experimental arrays within habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the...

        Map of land-use/land-cover and floral cover across an arable landscape in Buckinghamshire, UK

        Land use/land cover (LULC) map of a 20km2 agricultural landscape centred on the Hillesden Estate, Buckinghamshire, UK. The map is based on remote sensed data (LiDAR and hyperspectral sensors) with...

        Impacts of experimental drought and plant trait diversity on floral resources and pollinator visitation

        The floral resources provided to pollinators by different sown plant experimental plant communities were assessed under ambient and experimental drought conditions. The dataset includes the...

        The germination rates of seeds from Eschscholzia californica plants located within habitats comprising habitats with different floral cover

        This dataset details the germination rates of seeds from Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the Hillesden...

        The seed set of supplemented and pollinator exposed flowers from Eschscholzia californica plants located within habitats comprising different floral cover

        This dataset details the number of seeds produced by pollinator exposed and supplemented Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected...

        Pollinator data from pan traps located in habitats comprising different floral cover in Buckinghamshire, UK

        This dataset contains a list of pollinator species caught within pan traps from habitats comprising different floral cover. Data were collected from the Hillesden estate, Buckinghamshire in June...

        Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020

        Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and...

        Pollinator survey, floral resource survey and recorder feedback data from the National Pollinator and Pollination Monitoring Framework pilot study from 14 sites across the UK

        This dataset contains data on pollinating insects, floral resources, and environmental conditions from a pollinator monitoring pilot conducted from 2015. Data were collected from a total of 14...

        Genome size, phenotype and population location data for British native eyebrights (Euphrasia)

        This dataset includes information on native eyebright plants (Euphrasia, Orobanchaceae) studied and measured at a range of sites across Britain and Ireland, with a special sampling focus on Fair...


        Flowering Plant Records from Northamptonshire Churchyards and cemeteries The dataset combines surveys organised/undertaken in the 1980's by local branch of the (then) Botanical Society for the...

        Flower species and their abundances on farmland in Hampshire and West Sussex during 2014 and 2018

        The dataset contains information about floral abundance on eight farms across Hampshire and West Sussex in 2014 and 2018. Transects of 3km were marked out on each farm and surveyed 3 times in both...

        Abundance of plant taxa on Norwood Farm, Somerset during 2007 and 2008

        Estimates of plant abundance (for leaf area, floral units and seed abundance, mass and energy) obtained from field-based sampling as part of a study of ecological interactions (food webs and...

        Local Development Plan - Local Nature Conservation Sites - Argyll and Bute

        Locally important sites for wildlife or nature interests identified in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015. They have been judged to be important because: (A) the site supports...

        Species point records from 1977 UCNW Bardsey Island survey

        Detailed littoral and sublittoral survey of fauna and flora of Bardsey Island carried out in order to determine whether Bardsey warrents consideration as a PMNR. Faunal and floral data was recorded...

        Habitat point records from 1977 UCNW Bardsey Island survey

        Detailed littoral and sublittoral survey of fauna and flora of Bardsey Island carried out in order to determine whether Bardsey warrents consideration as a PMNR. Faunal and floral data was recorded...

        2015 SSE Renewables Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm pre-construction drop down video survey

        A pre-construction benthic characterisation survey was conducted by APEM Ltd at the proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Annex 1 Habitat Survey of the Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW)...

        2015 SSE Renewables Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm pre-construction drop down video survey

        A pre-construction benthic characterisation survey was conducted by APEM Ltd at the proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Annex 1 Habitat Survey of the Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW)...

        Plant census and microenvironment dataset from Mt. Baldy, Colorado, USA, 2014-2017

        The data comprise a long-term study of alpine plant community dynamics in the Gunnison National Forest of Colorado. The data comprise annual census data for all plants (including seedlings) in each...

        Plant census and microenvironment dataset from Mt. Baldy, Colorado, USA, 2014-2017

        The data comprise a long-term study of alpine plant community dynamics in the Gunnison National Forest of Colorado. The data comprise annual census data for all plants (including seedlings) in each...