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% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local community

% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local community *This indicator is discontinued

Proportion of people who use services who feel safe

Proportion of people who use services who feel safe

Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their condition (NHSOF 2.1)

This indicator measures the degree to which people with health conditions that are expected to last for a significant period of time feel they have had sufficient support from relevant services and...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains buffers of green spaces larger than 2 hectares.

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality.

% of panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local area

% of panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local area

% of panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area

% of panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area

Strategic Open Spaces for Larger Towns

In 2014 Cornwall Council adopted the Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall as interim planning guidance pending adoption of the Cornwall Local Plan, when it will follow the process to...

Proportion of people who are feeling supported to manage their condition (CCGOIS 2.2)

Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their long-term conditions, based on responses to one question from the GP Patient Survey. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Source: Placed-Based Survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary...

Locations and characteristics of electricity substations (33 kV or larger), Great Britain, 2018

The data consists of names, types, voltages, constraint status and national grid references for 56,865 electricity substations (33 kV or larger) in Great Britain in 2018. It was compiled from...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains green spaces of 2 or more hectares.


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) larger mobile macrofaunal abundance, biomass and species richness from fyke netting in mudflat habitats

The dataset details larger mobile fish and macrofaunal abundance across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013, sampled using fyke nets. The data provide a quantitative measure of...


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains buffers of Green Space sites greater than 20 ha.

NI 002 - Percentage of people who feel that they belong to their neighbourhood

The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

NI 002 - Percentage of people who feel that they belong to their neighbourhood

The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

Personal well-being estimates

Estimates of personal well-being from the Annual Population Survey (APS) at district level on life satisfaction, feeling worthwhile, feeling happy and feeling anxious.

Public Perception of Safety on Public Transport

The report contains data on public perception of how safe it is to use public transport: whether they currently use public transport, if they feel safe, what makes them feel unsafe, what would make...

Review of Court Martial System- Pilot

To pilot a questionnaire to assess how people involved in Court Martials feel about the system.