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        4,565 results found

        Statutory Instrument

        Statutory Instrument lists. Lists of current and draft type approval S.I.s. Consultee lists.

        AIMS Instrument

        An asset used to measure water level and flow Asset Sub-Types include: Active Monitoring Instrument, Passive Monitoring Instrument See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

        Allerdale Dedicated Instrument Land Charge

        Dedicated Instrument recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents

        Radiation Metrology Instrument tesing (Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards - CRCE)

        Radiation Metrology. Customer and instrument data

        DCLG Data4NR: Knife and sharp instrument offences: Recorded crime by Police Force Area

        Knife and sharp instrument offences: Recorded crime by Police Force Area. Data4NR reference.

        Landmark Features

        The location of Landmark Features within Nottingham City Centre. Landmark Features are points of local interest and significance within the townscape.

        NSI Features

        NSI features derives many parameters beneficial for modelling soils. These parameters, derived from readings and measurements taken at the NSI site include the depth from the surface to various...

        Safety Features - Scotland

        Many Local Authorities capture locational details of certain safety features located across their area of jurisdiction. This dataset attempts to pull those features together into one single...

        OS NGD API - Features

        OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

        OS Features API

        Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Ria

        This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature 'Ria'. The polygons represent drowned river valleys of south-west Britain. Often with a greater presence of rock and more marine in...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Barrier Beach

        This shapefile is of the coastal physiographic feature 'Barrier Beach'. The polygons in this shapefile represent the areas in which Barrier Beaches are located in the UK. Where, Barrier Beach is...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Bay II

        This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature type 'bay'. The polygons in this shapefile represent all the bays found within the UK. These polygons were extracted from UKSeaMap 2010 and...

        GIS point feature class of Scottish marine protected area search feature species at Fladen Grounds

        GIS point feature class of Scottish marine protected area search feature species from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at the three Fladen Grounds pMPAs. This was a Scottish...

        GIS point feature class of Scottish marine protected area search feature habitats at Fladen Grounds

        GIS point feature class of Scottish marine protected area search feature habitats from survey undertaken by Cefas and JNCC in January 2013 at the three Fladen Grounds pMPAs. This was a Scottish...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Embayment

        This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature 'embayment'. Th polygons in this shapefile represent the boundaries of embayments of the UK. Where, embayment is defined using the Annex I...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Sealoch

        This is a map of the coastal physiographic type 'Sealoch'. The polygons represent sealochs, glacially-formed inlets (fjords, fjards) of western Scotland and Ireland, including the voes of Shetland....

        Oceanographic Features - Names of fishing grounds and features in Scottish seas (label stack)

        Names of sea features and fishing grounds around Scotland, designed for use with Ordnance Survey's ZoomStack and Marine Scotland Maps.

        Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) global positioning system (GPS) locations for instruments and features associated with wave monitoring and sedimentation-erosion table installations in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

        The dataset details global positioning system (GPS) locations recorded for instruments and locations of interest associated with equipment installed for the monitoring of wave energy, surface...


        Collation of large-scale features of functional significance records contributing to the Geodatabase of Marine features adjacent to Scotland (GeMS). Records are attributed as to their qualification...