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12 results found

Lake Tana Seistec Boomer Data (NERC Grant NER/B/S/2002/00540)

This is Seistec Boomer data acquired on Lake Tana. If not familiar with this variant of standard Boomer, it has a line-in-cone.

Landscape Map of Scotland

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. Together with the accompanying descriptions and photographs, the areas...

BGS Chemistry Records Pre 2000

This dataset contains records of the BGS analytical chemistry laboratories prior to the year 2000. It is basically an archive of original records and includes card indexes, files and raw analytical...

SDNPA Conservation Areas

Local authorities (including National Park Authorities) have the power to designate conservation areas in any area of 'special architectural or historic interest' whose character or appearance is...

DNPA Conservation Areas

Local authorities (including National Park Authorities) have the power to designate conservation areas in any area of 'special architectural or historic interest' whose character or appearance is...

Conservation Areas

Local authorities (including National Park Authorities) have the power to designate conservation areas in any area of 'special architectural or historic interest' whose character or appearance is...

Transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda (NERC grant NE/L001799/1)

The data are transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda, as part of a pilot project looking at causes of borehole/hand...

Highways England network journey time and traffic flow data

***1st July 2016 Update*** WebTRIS Phase 1 is now available and can be accessed at We are in the process of updating the way that traffic flow data is made...

Road Safety Data

Road Safety Statistics [releases]( and...

Input indicator: local authority funding from government grant

This indicator is the reported local authority income from central government grants as a percentage of Revenue Expenditure, using the relevant lines from Revenue Summary returns. #### How the...

Habitat point records from 1983 OPRU Isles of Scilly littoral rock survey

These surveys were carried out to describe the habitats, communities and species on littoral rock throughout the archipelago and to classify the sites described according to their scientific...

Species point records from 1983 OPRU Isles of Scilly littoral rock survey

These surveys were carried out to describe the habitats, communities and species on littoral rock throughout the archipelago and to classify the sites described according to their scientific...