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        British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 2004/3 Barra Fan, Rockall Trough. (12/Jun/2004)

        This collaborative marine sampling survey took place in June 2004 in the areas of the Goban Spur, Western Irish Margin, Barra Fan and Rosemary Bank onboard the R/V Marion Dufresne. The British...

        2003-2012 Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Eastern IFCA) River Stour and Orwell Peacock Fan Worm surveys

        Within the Rivers Stour and Orwell, Eastern IFCA (and its predecessor, ESFJC) first mapped the extent of the Peacock Fan Worm (Sabella pavonina) in 2003 using Roxann Acoustic Ground Discrimination...

        2003-2012 Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Eastern IFCA) River Stour and Orwell Peacock Fan Worm surveys

        Within the Rivers Stour and Orwell, Eastern IFCA (and its predecessor, ESFJC) first mapped the extent of the Peacock Fan Worm (Sabella pavonina) in 2003 using Roxann Acoustic Ground Discrimination...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1992/2: Barra Fan (05/07/1992 to 06/07/1992)

        This marine geophysical survey took place from 05/07/92 – 06/07/92 in the area of the Barra Fan on board the RV Kommandor Michael. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS),...

        Defence Research Agency (DRA) Sampling Survey 1996_CT: Barra Fan ( 21/08/1996 to 29/08/1996)

        This marine sampling survey took place in August 1996 in the Barra Fan area off the Hebrieds aboard the RV Colonel Templer. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS) on...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1992/3: Barra Fan Project: Barra Fan off Outer Hebrides, West Scotland (05/Aug/1992 to 21/Aug/1992)

        The sampling cruise took place in August 1992 in the region of the Hebridean Terrace west of the Outer Hebrides in the vicinity of the Barra Fan aboard the RRS Charles Darwin. The purpose was to...

        The exhumation history of the Himalayan orogen determined from Bengal Fan sedimentary record (IODP Leg 354) (NERC grant NE/N005287/1)

        Thermochronological data from IODP Bengal Fan site 354. Grant abstract: The Himalayas are a type example of continent-continent collision, and resultant mountain building processes. Geologists can...

        2003 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay, Swanage and Kimmeridge, Dorset. Dive survey of Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars

        These records all relate to 'Collins, K. (2003) Dorset marine habitat surveys: Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars. 2003 survey results'. A copy of the report is held at...

        2003 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay, Swanage and Kimmeridge, Dorset. Dive survey of Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars

        These records all relate to 'Collins, K. (2003) Dorset marine habitat surveys: Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars. 2003 survey results'. A copy of the report is held at...

        Social media usage by local government

        A list of UK local authorities which are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Also includes those with RSS feeds, web development blogs and open data.

        Provenance of Nicobar Fan sediments from IODP Expedition 362, offshore Sumatra (NERC grant NE/P016618/1)

        Detrital zircon age data, details of Expedition 362 samples . For more information see published report, IODP Sites U1480–U1481, located on the Indian...

        2002 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay, Swanage and Kimmeridge, Dorset. Dive survey of Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars

        These records all relate to 'Collins, K (2003) Dorset marine habitat surveys: Maerl, worm reefs, seagrass and brittlestars. 2002 survey results.' The report includes survey work documented in...

        2002 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Poole Bay, Swanage and Kimmeridge, Dorset. Dive survey of Maerl, worm reefs, bream nests, sea fans and brittlestars

        These records all relate to 'Collins, K (2003) Dorset marine habitat surveys: Maerl, worm reefs, seagrass and brittlestars. 2002 survey results.' The report includes survey work documented in...

        Priority Marine Features (PMFs) - improving protection of features outside the MPA network - supporting data for consultation - July 2018

        The Scottish Government commissioned SNH to identify locations within inshore waters (6NM limit) where there is a need to consider additional management for bottom contacting mobile fishing gears...

        Heavy mineral and bulk petrography data from modern, Quaternary and Cenozoic loess, sand and river sediment samples from northern China (NERC grant NE/I008837/1)

        Files contain heavy mineral (HM) and framework petrography data for samples taken from sediments across Northern China, from Tarim in the west to Ordos in central north China. The data come from...

        Leeds Let's Get Active

        Leeds City Council and Sport England have teamed up to provide Leeds Let's Get Active, a programme of free gym and swim sessions at all Leeds City Council leisure centres, as well as beginner...

        Early Miocene ASEM element maps from IODP Site U1480 (NERC grant NE/P021182/1)

        Element maps from 5x 10 cm sections generated using the Zeiss Sigma HD Field Emission Gun Analytical SEM at Cardiff University. Maps come from sections within the early Miocene pelagic interval...

        2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Swiftia pallida in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

        This layer shows the distribution of Northern Sea Fan, Swiftia pallida, a Biodiversity Action Plan Species. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for the Defra MB0102...

        2009 Defra MB0102 2B Distribution of Swiftia pallida in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man

        This layer shows the distribution of Northern Sea Fan, Swiftia pallida, a Biodiversity Action Plan Species. This layer forms one of a set of data layers created for the Defra MB0102...

        University of Bergen (UIB) Geophysical Survey 1996/3: Norwegian Sea (07/07/1996 to 18/07/1996)

        This sampling and geophysical survey has been carried out by University of Bergen in collaboration with British Geological Survey (BGS), the survey took place in July 1996 on the North Sea Margin...