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23 results found

Museums and galleries events and exhibitions

Find out what's going on and when at the various museums, halls and houses around Leeds.

Collections activity data

Information about the conservation, loan and exhibition of objects in the V&A’s collections.

Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

Species point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...

Habitat point records from 1975-78 University of Bristol Severn Estuary littoral rock survey

Zonation of algae and invertebrates was examined on rocky shores in the Severn estuary from 1975 to 1978. These shores were characterised by an absence of macro-algae from MLWS and below. Some...

Local Development Plan: Special Built Environment Areas - Argyll and Bute

Special Built Environment Areas do not have the presence, continuity or quality of ‘conservation areas’ but exhibit special built and land form characteristics which should be safeguarded and...

Priority River Habitat - Rivers

"One of the two datasets that make up the Priority River Habitat Map. Consists of rivers and streams that exhibit a high degree of naturalness. The naturalness classification used to map priority...

Ten key biological traits of marine benthic invertebrates surveyed in Northwest Europe

This dataset contains information on ten key biological traits (behavioural, morphological, and reproductive characteristics) for over a thousand marine benthic invertebrate taxa surveyed in...

Ten key biological traits of marine benthic invertebrates surveyed in Northwest Europe

This dataset contains information on ten key biological traits (behavioural, morphological, and reproductive characteristics) for over a thousand marine benthic invertebrate taxa surveyed in...

National Soil-Parent Material

The National Soil Parent Material dataset is a GIS describing the geological material from which topsoils and subsoils (A and B horizons) develop (i.e. from the base of pedological soil down to c....

DiGMapPlus Resistivity v6

The DiGMap Plus dataset is a series of GIS layers describing the engineering, geochemical and geophysical properties of geological materials from the base of pedological soil down to c. 3m depth...

Engineering Properties:Discontinuities

This dataset is a characterisation of discontinuity types found within rocks and soils in Great Britain. Discontinuities are breaks, fractures or planes of weakness in the rock mass. The dataset...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Cephalopods (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Cephalopods are...

Engineering Properties:Bulking

This dataset is a characterisation of the soil and rocks and the potential bulking factor (likely excavated volume increases) at Formation (local to regional) level for Great Britain. The data is...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Mixed matrix membranes for post-combustion carbon capture, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Mixed matrix membranes for post-combustion carbon capture was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant number:...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Chemical looping for low cost oxygen production and other applications. Part II (restricted)

Imperial College has modelled and designed from first principles a counter-flow thermal oxygen reactor using CuO (MnO) based particles as an oxygen carrier, for replacing the burner in conventional...

Welsh Mountain ewe urine frequency and volume data measured from tri-axial accelerometers on ewes grazing two upland pastures in North Wales

This dataset contains urine frequency and volume data measured from tri-axial accelerometers on Welsh mountain ewes free-grazing two contrasting upland field sites (semi-improved and unimproved...

Bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece), with associated participant questionnaire and trace element data. (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 28 household vacuum dust samples were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA (21 samples from a national campaign within the UK and 7 samples...

Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR) (NERC grant NE/M001156/1)

Data produced from NERC Grant NE/M001156/1 - Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR), collected following methods outlined in Izon et al., 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...

Pulleniatina Coiling Data IODP Exp 363 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina U1486 coiling sequence. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program...