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11,305 results found

Personal Details

Records of name, Emergency contacts, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, home address, phone number, marital status, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability

Cartographic Rail Detail

A cartographic representation of a Railway Rail or Railway Buffer (part of the remaining cartographic legacy of our data products).

HMRC Buildings Property Details

Address and STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) codes for all HMRC buildings. Updated: ad hoc.

HMRC Buildings Property Details

Address and STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) codes for all HMRC STEPS buildings. Updated: ad hoc.

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

Monthly Overseas Trade Statistics datasets and importers details

These are downloadable open format versions of the complete monthly Overseas Trade Statistics (OTS) and Importers Details datasets, with a 6 year archive of past data. They are published by HM...

Individual Savings Accounts Detailed Tables 9.7 to 9.12

Provides information on the distributions of savings in Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) by income, age, gender and region Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

GPS Employee details

GPS staff details, grades, employment length, salary, address etc

Output Area (2021) to Country (December 2021) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between 2021 Output Areas (OA) and countries as at 31 December 2021 in England and Wales. (File Size 6.4 MB).Field Names – OA21CD, CTRY22CD, CTRY22NM, CTRY22NMWField Types – Text, Text,...

Output Area (2021) to Region (December 2021) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between Output Areas (OA) and regions as at 31 December 2021 in England and Wales. (File Size 6.2 MB).Field Names – OA21CD, RGN22CD, RGN22NM, RGN22NMWField Types – Text, Text, Text,...

Output Area (2011) to Region (December 2011) Exact Fit Lookup in EN

A lookup between Output Areas  (OA) and regions as at 31 December 2011 in England. (File Size 6.6MB).Field Names – OA11CD, RGN11CD, RGN11NM Field Types – Text, Text, Text Field Lengths – 9, 9,...

Output Area (2011) to Region (December 2016) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a lookup between Output Areas (OA) and Regions as at 31 December 2016 in England and Wales.  (File Size - 17 MB)Column Descriptions: OA11CD | Text | 9RGN16CD | Text | 9RGN16NM | Text...

Output Area (2011) to Country (December 2011) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between 2011 Output Areas (OA) and countries as at 31 December 2011 in England and Wales. (File Size 6.3MB).Field Names – OA11CD, CTRY11CD, CTRY11NM, CTRY11NMW Field Types – Text, Text,...

Output Area (2011) to Region (December 2017) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a lookup between Output Areas (OA) and Regions as at 31 December 2017 in England and Wales.  (File Size - 19 MB) Field Names - OA11CD, RGN11CD, RGN11NM, RGN11NMWField Types - Text,...

Output Area (2011) to Region (December 2018) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

This file is a lookup between Output Areas (OA) and Regions as at 31 December 2018 in England and Wales.  (File Size - 19 MB)Field Names - OA11CD, RGN11CD, RGN11NM, RGN11NMWField Types - Text,...

Details of contracts over £10,000

As part of its commitment to transparency, the Department for Exiting the European Union publishes regular data on its departmental spending, including contracts. These figures exclude VAT.

Details of contracts over £10,000

As part of its commitment to transparency, the Department for Exiting the European Union publishes regular data on its departmental spending, including contracts.

Revenue budget 2011-12

The revenue budget for each local authority in 2011-12, broken down by service category. This dataset includes detailed information on the 2011-12 spending plans of every local authority in...

LSOA (2011) to Travel to Work Area (December 2011) Exact Fit Lookup in the UK

A lookup between the 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) and travel to work areas (TTWAs) in the UK as at 31 December 2011 (File Size 7MB).NBFile updated to include corrected LSOA11 names -...

Output Area (2001) to LSOA to MSOA (December 2001) Exact Fit Lookup in EW

A lookup between Output Areas (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) and Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) in England and Wales at 31 December 2001. (File Size 12.6MB).Field Names –...