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207 results found

Clinical/social care negligence cases

Details the number of clinical/social care negligence cases open, settled and closed each year, the specialty or nature of incident of cases involved and the amount of damages and legal costs...

Clinical / Social Care Negligence Cases in Northern Ireland

Information collected by HSC Trusts agencies and legacy health and social services boards on all clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service...

Essential Car User Mileage

Data set showing the annual mileage of Leeds City Council staff who receive an essential car user allowance.

Essential Skills Enrolments (administrative geographies)

Enrolments in Essential Skills courses by Academic year. As such, data for 2014 represents the academic year 1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015.

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2014/15

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2015/16

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2013/14

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

MMO1044 spatial confidence in the essential fish habitat modelled outputs

This data shows the relative confidence on the EFH model prediction calculated by combining information on the statistical model predictive ability, confidence assigned to the input data layers...


Spreadsheet containing essential information on all MOD STRAP assets (Acc Team 4, serial 3, of CIO-DSAS Information Asset Register)

Properties Vulnerable to Heat Impacts in London

The Properties Vulnerable to Heat Impact report, produced by Arup, maps London's heat risk across homes, neighbourhoods, and essential properties in the wake of climate change. The study focused...

GeoSure Basic version 8

GeoSure Basic is a single, combined GeoSure model, based on the 6 geohazard layers produced for the GeoSure dataset package. The methodology behind GeoSure Basic uses only the highest score of all...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES)

The Digest provides essential information for everyone involved in energy, from economists to environmentalists, and from energy suppliers to energy users. Accredited Official...

Mineral Reserves

Mineral Reserves as defined in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan Adopted 12 September 2012. It is important to protect essential mineral infrastructure and safeguard mineral resources from...

United Kingdom National Accounts

The Blue Book is a key annual publication of National Accounts statistics and the essential data source for anyone concerned with macro economic policies and studies. Source agency: Office for...

GeoSure Basic

The GeoSure data sets and reports from the British Geological Survey provide information about potential ground movement or subsidence in a helpful and user-friendly format. The reports can help...

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Mineral Safeguarding Areas as defined in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan Adopted 12 September 2012. It is important to protect essential mineral infrastructure and safeguard mineral resources...

Input-Output Supply and Use Tables

An essential source for the data underlying Gross Domestic Product. These balances provide a single framework showing the relationship between components of value added, industry inputs and...

Low Carbon Building Programme phase 1 householders data run by Buildings Research Establishment

Operations are essentially electronic, but paper files are held in tandem to live files on the database. Data from the online application system is exported on a daily basis into excel spreadsheet...

Highway Authority Subway

Highway Authority Subway forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense • Privately...

Special Act Land

Special Act Land forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense • Privately Maintainable...