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535 results found

Joint Support Unit Northwood Mechanical Transport Tasks

The total number of Mechanical Transport tasks requested and carried out by Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood

Enhanced toxoplasma database

Enhanced toxoplasma database

Enhanced Q fever database

Enhanced Q fever database

Enhanced Hepatitis E database

Collation of enhanced surveillance data on Hepatitis E

TB-ETS (Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance)

Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

Hackney Enhance corridors

Enhance corridors are basically identified growth areas for new development in the Borough and tend to follow key transport routes in the Borough. It is where new development for residential,...

Enhanced surveillance of vaccine preventable disease

Enhanced surveillance of vaccine preventable disease

UK Overseas Territories Bio-security enhancement

UK Overseas Territories Bio-security enhancement. Identification of invasive invertebrate plant pests.

Enhanced Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) Surveillance

Data flows in and out of the PHE Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) unit for the enhanced surveillance of people at risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)

NYMNPA Environmental Enhancement Sites - Policy ENV13

Sites designated as ‘Environmental Enhancement Sites’ in the North York Moors Local Plan. Sites are designated as they have been been unsightly in the local area for many years and it is considered...

Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

National Enhanced Surveillance System for Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC)

National Enhanced Surveillance System for Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC)

Enhanced Renewal Grant/College Capital Investment Fund Applications (Capital)

Enhanced Renewal Grant/College Capital Investment Fund Applications (Capital), may contain sensitive final information.

Conservation and Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

Agreements entered into by Natural England with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on adjacent land. The purpose of these Agreements is to enable...

Enhanced Transmission Service Enhancements Payment Files

Customer data including DWP's customer bank details which are being transferred on behalf of DWP, Northern Ireland Social Security Agency and other government departments. This includes direct...

Great Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project 2013

Location of ponds surveyed as part of Phase 1 of the Natural England 2013 Greated Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project (NE GCN EEP Surveyed GIS).Great crested newts (GCN), alongside other...

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record

Maritime Archaeology Ltd (MA Ltd) have been commissioned by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) to undertake a project entitled Our Marine Historic Environment:...

Our Marine Historic Environment: Enhancing the National Monument Record

Maritime Archaeology Ltd (MA Ltd) have been commissioned by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) to undertake a project entitled Our Marine Historic Environment:...