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3,257 results found

Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare and Leverage (HEAL)

Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare & Leverage (HEAL) is a system designed to support the working and reporting of tax credit and Child Benefit. Updated: daily. Data coverage: 2009/10, 2010/11

Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare and Leverage (HEAL)

HEAL is a system designed to support the working and reporting of tax credit and Child Benefit Healthcheck, Enabling, Aftercare & Leverage (HEAL) and Partnership Approaches type cases. Updated:...

Enabling a Natural Capital Approach

These datasets form part of Defra’s Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) resource. The Services and Assets Databooks together collate around 400 UK data sources, tools and studies for 8...

DBS e-bulk enabled Registered Bodies

Data shows a list of e-Bulk enabled Registered Bodies (RB), the number of checks each e-RB has submitted, via both paper and e-Bulk, over the last 12 months. The final column details which...

Food Chain Total Factor Productivity

Secondary analysis to calculate productivity of the food chain using already published National Statistcs. Current price estimates of turnover, purchases and labour are deflated using price...

UK Ramsar adverse factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

UK Ramsar human factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

Total Factor Productivity of the UK agricultural industry

The total factor productivity of the agricultural industry in the United Kingdom is an indicator of the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry. It is a key measure of the economic...

Early Learning for two-year-olds: voluntary survey

Data drawn from a termly voluntary survey of English local authorities on the number of two-year-olds receiving a funded early learning place. Survey designed to help the Department monitor...

Factors that influence people to engage in culture and sport in Northern Ireland

This publication presents findings from the Omnibus Survey in relation to factors that encourage participation in sport; engagement with the arts; visiting libraries and visiting museums. Source...

HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation

GIS shapefile data presenting the July 2013 consultation alignments, stations and depots for the proposed HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route between the West Midlands and the East Midlands,...

NI 129 - End of life care - access to appropriate care enabling people to be able to choose to die at home.

The percentage of all deaths that occur at home. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) - indicator will be published by National Centre for Health Outcomes Development - NCHOD Publisher:...

NI 129 - End of life care - access to appropriate care enabling people to be able to choose to die at home.

The percentage of all deaths that occur at home.

NI 129 - End of life care - access to appropriate care enabling people to be able to choose to die at home.

The percentage of all deaths that occur at home.

Multi-factor Productivity (experimental)

Using a growth accounting framework, growth in output can be decomposed into the relative contributions of capital and labour inputs (in terms of both quantity and composition) as well as a...

Sunderland Priority Two Gritting Routes

List of roads classified as priority two gritting routes across the City of Sunderland. These are knows as distributory and important local routes.

HS2 Phase Two: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester

HS2 Phase 2b: from the West Midlands to Leeds and Crewe to Manchester The data provided here relates to information and/or engineering design published during the Development Phase of High Speed...

Financial Statistics (Two datasets)

Used in monthly Fiancial Statistics publication

NI Water Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub Area Explanatory Factors 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return - Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sewerage Sub Area Explanatory Factors 2019 2020

Local Plan (Part Two) polygons 2019

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